
Global Profit System Scam Exposed!

So, you came across Global Profit System because someone tells you that you can make a lot of money without spending any, and it is easy.

You’ve come to the right place because we are going to discuss everything you need to know before joining this “automated income generator system”.

In this Global Profit System review, we will discuss what it really takes to earn money with it, as well as how much it actually cost. Yes, it cost money, it is not exactly “free”.

Let’s get started…

Review Summary

Name: Global Profit System

Owner: Angela (Anji) Long and Ben Martin

Price: Free To Join

Recommended? No. Check this out instead.

Global Profit System Scam Review

Income Opportunity Rating:

What is the Global Profit System?

In two words, business automation.

The idea behind the Global Profit System is to allow you to create multiple income sources within a single platform, and to generate it on autopilot.

It sounds pretty awesome, but let’s dig deeper.

Global Profit System promises to give you access with different tools so you can earn passive income from three various Affiliate Marketing programs, namely:

  1. Global Domains International (GDI) – a network marketing or MLM company;
  2. ClickFunnels – a sales funnel builder software; and
  3. AWeber – an email autoresponder service

However, you can also use the GPS to promote other Affiliate Marketing programs in addition to the three I mentioned above. But more on this in a moment.

Judging by these 3 affiliate programs, we can guess that the founders of Global Profit System are distributors of the MLM company, GDI.

Company and Founders

The company’s landing page does not provide any information about the business. You can only find a login area, or you can choose to register as a new member.

Global Profit System Scam ReviewedGlobal Profit System Scam ReviewedGlobal Profit System Scam Reviewed

If you choose to register (like me), you will be taken into a signup form that has a 4-minute video presentation of a woman. 

She will tell you that she is going to introduce you to a system that allows her to earn $400 a day.

This woman identifies herself as Angela (Anji) Long and together with her boyfriend (now husband) Ben Martin

They created the Global Profit System.

Global Profit System FoundersGlobal Profit System FoundersGlobal Profit System Founders

I want to learn more about the company, so I did some additional research.

It seems that the domain for GPS was created in July of 2018, only a few months past as I am writing this Global Profit System review.

GPS DomainGPS DomainGPS Domain

Global Profit System Product

Once you become a member of GPS, you will then have access to its entire system, tools, and training videos on how to earn money online.

However, you must create an account for GDI, ClickFunnels, and AWeber to be able to make money using the Global Profit System.

Create GDI Account 2Create GDI Account 2Create GDI Account 2

You can subscribe to the three programs using the free trial accounts.

But I’m assuming you will eventually have to go for a paid subscription if you wish to make money with GPS in the long run. The important thing is you must have an account in all three of them.

Learn How to Realistically Start An Online Business That Generates a Full-Time Passive Income From Home Without Relying on any systems that may be closed one day. Click Here!

How Much Can You Earn Using Global Profit System?

The amount you can earn with the Global Profit System depends on how many people you can enroll in its three Affiliate Marketing programs.

You will be paid $1/month for every person that subscribes to GDI on your referral. You will also earn a bonus of $100 whenever five people signs up to GDI within a single week.

For ClickFunnels, you will earn a 40% commission from all your referrals on top of your 30% commission from all your referrals in AWeber.

This means that you are running three different Affiliate Marketing businesses in a single platform.

But, the problem is, everyone who joins Global Profit System have the intention to earn money, without any intention to actually use the services of the 3 said programs.

And, the focus on recruitment makes the Global Profit System in the grey area of a pyramid scheme.

Mainly because Global Domain International is a Multi-Level Marketing firm. When an MLM company focuses on recruitment, and the products or services don’t seem to be the main reason people join the company, it can be seen as a recruitment scheme or a pyramid scheme.

Cost To Join Global Profit System

It is “free” to join and create an account with the Global Profit System. You just have to provide a valid email address and voila! You don’t even need to verify anything.

I must say though that having access to GPS alone won’t make you money.

Your income will come from products that you promote using the system. So where do you think the $400 monthly income that Anji is talking about? 

Your right!

From the other High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing Programs that she is promoting using Global Profit System. More on this in a moment.

Good Things About Global Profit System

Although rumors of Global Profit System scams are circulating around the Internet, many people are saying good things about this opportunity. Even I have some good stuff I want to highlight about GPS.

#1 Owner Transparency

GPS owners Ben and Angela are real people. I mean they are just like you and me who manage to succeed in Internet Marketing by learning the business and acquiring the skills to do it.

I did some more research about the two, and it is inspiring how they are living their lives as successful online entrepreneurs.

Here’s Ben’s FB page:

Ben Martin Global Profit SystemBen Martin Global Profit SystemBen Martin Global Profit System

This is Anji’s FB page:

Angela Long Global Profit SystemAngela Long Global Profit SystemAngela Long Global Profit System

#2 Free To Join

I did tell you that it doesn’t matter that much if you can create your GPS account for free because you can’t really earn anything without promoting any affiliate products.

However, the advantage of getting access to the Global Profit System back office is that you will also have access to its tools and training resources that can provide you with valuable input on how to succeed in Affiliate Marketing.

#3 High-Quality Training Videos, Tools and Resources

I’m impressed how Ben and Angela put much effort into each of their training videos on GPS.

Each video is very educational, professionally composed, and comes with the right amount of visual aids to make learning as fluent as possible.

You will also learn about traffic generation, keywords, setting up your email list builder, and more.

Yes, you can find similar free training elsewhere, but the way they organized and presented each webinar is excellent.

Global Profit System also have an excellent FAQ Section where you can learn more about the company.

#4 Free Traffic Generation using Twitter

One thing that you will learn with the webinars in the Global Profit System is how to get free targeted traffic using Twitter.

The good thing is that you can use this knowledge not only in GPS but in your other online business as well (if you have any).

Ben get into details about how you can exploit the Twitter search feature to find the people that are most likely searching for your products.

My Concerns About Global Profit System

On the flipside, these are the things that I must bring to your attention about the GPS. These things might not be an issue for you, but I feel that they are things you should be aware of before you join this company.

#1 Everyone is Different

Ben claims that with his system, you do not need to go through challenges to succeed because you will simply clone his work.

No disrespect to Ben and his years of expertise in the field of online marketing, but he makes it sound like GPS is a Get-Rich-Quick program.

That you just need to trust his system, set it up, and money will flow to your wallet. Just because it worked for him doesn’t mean it will work for you. I believe this is just a hype to get you to join in.

GPS Issue Number 1GPS Issue Number 1GPS Issue Number 1

Unfortunately, there is no way to earn money with you not having to do anything. And there is no such thing as a foolproof income generating system.

#2 GPS is Free; Your Affiliate Products are Not

If you are thinking of joining GPS because you can earn 100’s and even 1000’s of dollars without investing a dime, you are mistaken.

Again, it is free to join the Global Profit System, but for you to be able to make money using the system, you must have an affiliate product to promote. Thus, GDI, ClickFunnels, and AWeber.

These products are not free, and you have to pay a monthly subscription fee.

#3 Misleading Info

Earn $500 Daily With GPSEarn $500 Daily With GPSEarn $500 Daily With GPS

You may find this statement within the GPS back office but make no mistake; this is not referring to GPS.

The same way that Anji’s $400/day earnings most likely did not come from GDI, ClickFunnels or AWeber.

This is actually referring to another high-ticket affiliate marketing program Ben is promoting known as JVZoo. He is not talking about GPS in here.

Ben Martin JVZooBen Martin JVZooBen Martin JVZoo

Ben even spend a considerable amount of time on some of the training videos promoting JVZoo and Wifi Wealth as the secret to your financial freedom with GPS. I discovered all of these because I spent hours watching the videos created by the couple.

Wifi Wealth is another High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing program created by none other than Angela Long.

Wifi Wealth Anji LongWifi Wealth Anji LongWifi Wealth Anji Long

This gives me the impression that the real hidden agenda for Global Profit System is to promote WIFI Wealth, it is not setup to help you.

There’s a saying, “there’s no free lunch in this world”, and this is exactly what it means. There’s always a hidden agenda behind something “free”.

That’s probably why so many people are calling Global Profit System a scam.

#4 No Real Successful Stories

Other than Ben and Anji themselves, it’s hard to find anyone online who claims to have made money with Global Profit System.

You may find a few people who are promoting the company, but it is safe to assume that these are their affiliates, and even they cannot present proof of their earnings.

In their defense, though, I am not giving the company a hard time about this in a sense that GPS is relatively new in the Affiliate Marketing scene.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are not many people making money with it yet.

Is Global Profit System a Scam?

I’m afraid I cannot give you a definite answer regarding this issue. I also believe that this matter has something to do with how you define a scam.

If scams for you are paying money and not getting something in return, then GPS is not a scam in a sense that it is free to access the whole system.

However, if a scam for you is being promised something but getting an entirely different thing in return, then I cannot blame you if you think Global Profit System is a scam.

In fact, I wouldn’t blame the people spreading the Global Profit System scam rumors.

Maybe they didn’t fully understand what GPS is or they didn’t take the time to research by watching the videos Ben and Anji provided within the back office.

It may also have something to do with how the couple presented GPS as the system that will earn you $500 or more without having to do any work when in fact; they are talking about JVZoo and Wifi Wealth.

Personally, I think Global Profit System is nothing more than a “sales front” for WIFI Wealth. I see it as a scam that don’t bring any real value to you.

My Humble Advice

The idea behind Global Profit System it that it allows you to have a multiple Affiliate Marketing income streams in a single platform.

This is a cool idea and could work well if and only if…

You will learn more about Affiliate Marketing, its pitfalls and how to succeed with this online business model.

You must have a better understanding of the ins and outs of the business, especially on how to get all kinds of traffic (paid, organic, targeted) to your website.

However, you can’t really learn much of anything in Global Profit System and that is why I don’t recommend it.

If you truly want to learn how to start an online business that could generate a full-time passive income from home without relying on any programs or systems, then I highly recommend that you check out this program.

It is the program that has taught me and thousands of individuals with little to no technical background to find true success online. Here’s my success story with the program.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Global Profit System review. I hope that this gives you a better insight into the truth behind the Global Profit System scam rumors.

If you think this is helpful, kindly share this to the people you know.

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Also, if you would like to share your thoughts and opinions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Until next time and I wish you all the success in the future.

Your pal,


One Comment

  1. Profit.ws says:

    this is a funnel system, it barely explains the opportunities your signing up for, just like empower network and other systems of its kind it will be gone in due time, if you focus on just promoting GDI on its own you will be successful, associating it with any other program ( Motor Club of America ) and any other funnel that allows you to join is just a feeder system. success in GDI actually takes dedication and communication with the team and GPS seems to want to automate everything, up selling you a auto-res-ponder you dont really need as GDI has one built in.

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