What is Click Funnels? – Is it worth it?


Click Funnels Review – A tool that can save you $1,000 per month?

Every month Online Entrepreneurs have to spend a huge sum of money on tools to run their business.

Tools like Email Autoresponder, shopping cart, membership site, site hosting, site builder, affiliate program, and so many more.

If you run an online business, you’ll know what I am talking about.

Furthermore, you have to worry about the driving traffic, and sales conversion. But, h0w can you be sure that your online business is attracting the right traffic and the right customers.

What if there is a tool that allows you to save money on the essential tools that you are currently using, and it also helps you attract the right traffic and the right customers, and increases your sales conversion.

Is it something that you will be interested in?

Introducing Click Funnels, a tool that is built by, and for Internet Marketers and Business Owners.

I am sure you briefly know what Click Funnels is, so I’ll share with you the things you need to know to make an informed decision.

Can ClickFunnels help Your Business? Click here to find out!

Is Click Funnels Right for Your Business?

Now that I have your attention, the next question you might have is, “Would Click Funnels be suitable for my business?”

If you have…

  • an e-commerce store;
  • a coaching business;
  • an insurance business;
  • a Network Marketing business;
  • a Real Estate Business;

Whichever business you are in, as long as you have something to sell online, I believe Click Funnels can help.

If you are not sure about Click Funnels and how it can benefit your business, I invite you to attend this free webinar.


I am sure you will learn a lot from this webinar, and it will help you decide if Click Funnels is right for your business.

What is Click Funnels?

Click Funnels is a platform that provides you with many different features, all related to generating leads and increasing sales conversion for your business or product.

A “Sales Funnel” is the name for a small website with a series of pages that people have to navigate through in order to purchase a product. These websites are extremely effective when comes to increasing sales conversion.

On top of that, what runs behind the Sales Funnel can easily double your sales conversion. What I am taking about is an autoresponder.

I am sure you know about that.

Click Funnels has its own autoresponder service called “Actionetics”, which is complimentary to the Click Funnels membership.

Actionetics is unlike others with its unique feature, and you can find out more below.

What’s so good about Actionetics?

Isn’t it great to have a tool that understands your customers?

Wouldn’t it increase your sales conversion if you send targeted message to your customers?

I am an internet marketer and a business owner, and I definitely would pay a lot of money to get insights on my customers.

And for this reason itself, I will always use Click Funnels and Actionetics for my business.

FREE WEBINAR: Find out if Click Funnels is Right for your Business?

Internet Marketing Tools in a box

Every tool that you need in order to sell a product online from…

  1. capturing leads;
  2. building an opt-in page;
  3. exit pop up;
  4. up sell page;
  5. down sell page;
  6. thank you page;
  7. email follow up series
  8. a shopping cart; and even
  9. an affiliate marketing platform for individuals to join your company as an affiliate

are within the Click Funnels platform.

So, building an entire Sales Funnel only takes less than an hour. Try Click Funnels for FREE now!

For me, the Click Funnels existence is significant because it changes the entire Internet Marketing industry.

You no longer need to pay separate membership fees on independent business tools, because you have everything in Click Funnels.

Companies like LeadPages and Unbounce, who once charges thousands of dollars to capture large amount of leads, has changed its strategy to compete with Click Funnels.

The same is true with other autoresponder companies like Aweber,  Mailchimp, Infusionsoft.

Many Click Funnels members, including myself, have saved thousands of dollars per month by reducing the amount of independent marketing tools, to just one.

The picture below shows which products Click Funnels can replace:


Claim Your Free 14 days Click Funnels Trial

What I Like about Click Funnels…

For starters, I like the theme editor, it’s all click-based and you simply have to click and drag modules to build your theme. There are also many pre-made templates for your convenience, based on the most popular types of templates, such as a free report download.


The entire platform is really user-friendly and anyone can use it to create professional funnels. There’s a huge selection of pre-made themes also, so if you don’t want to edit, there’s no need to; all you have to do is pick a theme.

If you like the user friendliness of LeadPages, you will like Click Funnels.

Secondly, there’s a 14 day free trial. I always appreciate free trials because I like to test out a product before I commit to spending money on it.

I highly recommend that you sign-up for the free trial and at least take a look around and see if it suits your needs and desires. You can even create a few funnels and start collecting leads right off the bat!

Third, the third-part integrations are a life-saver! The software allows you to connect many third-party services to your funnels. The following are some of the many services that you can connect: Paypal, Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp, ClickBank, Mad Mimi, and much more.

Fourth, and most importantly, Actionetics. Actionetics is a cool feature for any business owners to understand their customers. It works as an autoresponder and captures the detailed data of anyone who subscribes to your email list. What’s more is that you do not need to pay an additional fee for Actionetics as it is complimentary to the Click Funnels membership.

Fifth, an in-built shopping cart that allows you to track your customers’ orders. You do not need to sign up for another shopping cart service and integrate to your business. Click Funnels has that covered as well.

Sixth, if you run a membership site for your digital product, you can run it on the Click Funnels platform. Garrett J. White, the founder of Wake Up Warrior, operates his membership site through Click Funnels, and here is his testimonial:

Lastly, cost is one of the major set back of any business. By using Click Funnels, it can reduce your operational cost by more than a thousand dollars.

Is Click Funnels right for Your Business? Try it Out!

Things to Consider Before You Sign-up…

Before you sign-up to Click Funnels, there are a few things that you shoulder consider.


For instance, I suggest that you create all the files that you need for your funnel prior to signing up to the membership. It will save you time and money in the long-run.

This means if you want to sell an eBook then you have to write the eBook and make sure you know what type of funnel you want to create for it.

In other words, you need to know how you want to market your products before signing up to Click Funnels.

If you are still unsure if Click Funnels is suitable for your business, I highly suggest that you attend this free webinar which can help you understand more about Click Funnels and Internet Marketing, and at the same time helps you decide if you wish to engage Click Funnels services.

It will show you how to attract the right kind of customers, and it is written by Russell Brunson himself. In my opinion, it is a book that every online marketer and business owner should have.

However, if you already have an up and running business, transferring your digital assets to Click Funnels will be smooth process.

All in all, I think Click Funnels is an awesome product for Internet Marketers and Business Owners. This small investment can lead to a massive change in your business.

If you are already using other Internet Marketing tools, I’ll highly suggest that you give Click Funnels a try.

On top of providing a user friendly platform for your business, Russell Brunson, the CEO of Click Funnels, is offering his marketing knowledge for FREE.

Check out his free deals here, I am sure you will learn a ton from him.

I welcome your comments on Click Funnels, especially if you are/were a customer. Please help to share this article if you find this article informative and useful by clicking on the social media buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus) below.

Your pal,
