
CTFO Review – Are their CBD Oils Cheaper and Better than others?

With the legalization of CBD oil derived from hemp, hundreds of companies like Kannaway, HempWorx, and many more, are flocking into the market to get a share of the pie. 

Changing The Future Outcome (CTFO) is one of them, and it is currently considered to be among the leading CBD-based Multi-Level Marketing Companies today.

You are probably here because someone you know recommended you to this company and you wondering if you should try their CBD Oil and join their business opportunity.

You are in the right place because in this CTFO review, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about the company’s products as well as the business opportunity so that you can make an informed decision.

CTFO Business Opportunity Review Summary

Product Quality

Initially, I had doubts about the quality of the CBD oil because they are selling them at a low price, but after understanding why and how they were able to sell at such a low price, my view about them changed entirely, in a positive way. To understand why their products are cheaper and better (click here). You’d be surprised to know that I am not an affiliate of CTFO.

Business Difficulty

Due to the legalisation, CBD has become a commodity, which means that there is no uniqueness about the products, and the profitability and sell-ability lies heavily on the price and quality of the commodity. Thankfully, the company is selling products at a low price, however, we still can’t ignore the fact that a high percentage of CTFO distributors fail in the business.

Cost to Join

CTFO provides one of the cheapest business opportunity in the Multi-Level Marketing industry. It is FREE to join as an affiliate, and if you want to be compensated, all you need is to subscribe to a monthly product autoship which cost $47.47. You’ll be buying the products anyway.

Overall rating :  3 / 5


Founder: Stuart Finger

The first question to ask yourself, before you join the business, is if you truly have a good experience with CTFO’s CBD Oil. 

Because if you are not convinced that CBD Oils work, then how are you going to convince others, right?

Then, assuming the products worked, the next question is, do you or your upline knows how to effectively use the internet to generate a massive amount of leads?

Because, if you are only relying on your social circle, you’ll most likely be stuck in this business, and you won’t know how to progress. So, if you’d like to become successful with CTFO, I highly recommend that you learn from this program on how to attract an endless stream of leads.

Alternatively, if you think the CTFO business is not suitable for you… And, you are still looking for ways to earn money from home, then I’ll suggest that you check out this program. It is the program that allowed me to quit my full-time job and still earn a full-time income from home.

What is Changing The Future Outcome?

Changing The Future Outcome (CTFO) is a multi-level marketing company founded by Stuart Finger in 2015, with his brother Steve Finger serving as CEO and Michael Kahn as COO.


It is no coincidence that there are 2 companies with the same acronym “CTFO”.

You already know what this CTFO stands for, the other is called Chew The Fat Off, which is also another company founded by Stuart Finger.

Chew The Fat Off is primarily focused on selling weight loss products while Changing The Future Outcome sells CBD related products.

Stuart Finger has a long track record in the MLM industry that goes back to 1996. 

He was also the founder of another MLM company called GBG. Since the closing of CBG, it seems that his entire GBG team is now with him in this Changing The Future Outcome.

And while CTFO is now trying to be a full pledge CBD MLM company, it still sells its original Chew The Fat Off weight loss products.

<img alt=’CTFO-NON-CBD-Products’ width=’800′ height=’280′ title=’CTFO-NON-CBD-Products’ data-id=’20616′ src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CTFO-NON-CBD-Products.jpg’ style=”width: 100%;” data-lazy-src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CTFO-NON-CBD-Products.jpg’ data-was-processed=’true’>CTFO-NON-CBD-Products<img alt=CTFO-NON-CBD-Products width=800 height=280 title=CTFO-NON-CBD-Products data-id=20616 src=https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CTFO-NON-CBD-Products.jpg style=”width: 100%;”>

4 Critical Things You Need to Know About CTFO

#1 Price of CTFO’s CBD Oil Vs. Other CBD MLMs

Like I’ve mentioned above, CTFO is not the only famous CBD MLM Company on the market. There are many other similar companies like:

So, when it comes to CBD oil price, where do CTFO stand?

Interestingly, in a price list by cbdoilusers.com, an authority website in the CBD market, CTFO products are nowhere to be found.

<img alt=’CTFO-Products-CBD-Price’ width=’800′ height=’839′ title=’CTFO-Products-CBD-Price’ data-id=’20573′ src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Hempworx-CBD-Price.jpg’ style=”width: 100%;” data-lazy-src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Hempworx-CBD-Price.jpg’ data-was-processed=’true’>CTFO-Products-CBD-Price<img alt=CTFO-Products-CBD-Price width=800 height=839 title=CTFO-Products-CBD-Price data-id=20573 src=https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Hempworx-CBD-Price.jpg style=”width: 100%;”>

Now, comparing the price of CTFO’s CBD Oil (image below) against the  product price list above…

We can say that CTFO is selling some of the cheapest CBD Oil compared to its peers.

<img alt=’CTFO-CBD-Prices’ width=’800′ height=’375′ title=’CTFO-CBD-Prices’ data-id=’20617′ src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CTFO-CBD-Prices.jpg’ style=”width: 100%;” data-lazy-src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CTFO-CBD-Prices.jpg’ data-was-processed=’true’>CTFO-CBD-Prices<img alt=CTFO-CBD-Prices width=800 height=375 title=CTFO-CBD-Prices data-id=20617 src=https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CTFO-CBD-Prices.jpg style=”width: 100%;”>

Are You a CTFO Distributor? Here’s a Strategy to Find an Endless Stream of Business Builders to Grow Your Business.

#2 CTFO’s CBD Oil Quality

Other than the price, you need to pay close attention to the quality and purity of the CBD oil.

It becomes a norm to ask for a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for the CBD Oil, because with a a lab test certification, you’ll be able to determine what is really in the product rather than relying on the product label.

In the COA, it will tell you if the product is free from toxins, pesticides, and mold, and if it contains lesser than 0.3% THC.

And, it will also tell you if the purity of the CBD oil matches what is written on the product label.

CTFO CBD vs. HempWorx CBD

There’s been a rising trend of people comparing the products of HempWorx and CTFO, so let’s put them in the spotlight.

Both the CBD oils of HempWorx and CTFO are lab tested by third-party laboratories, but I’ve found something interesting about these third-party lab results.

This video puts you into perspective that lab test results can be bought, and it is good that you know what you are getting into.

But don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that CTFO nor HempWorx falsify their lab test results.

I am just sharing with you that there is such a thing happening in the CBD industry.

Now, speaking of third-party tie-up laboratories…

HempWorx’s products are tested by “Proverde Laboratories,” while CTFO has tested their products with several laboratories.

However, HempWorx is a certified member of the US Hemp Authority while CTFO is not.

CTFO products were first lab tested by “Precision Analytic Testing LLC,” a new CBD Analytic Testing Lab set up by NutraFuels, Inc. 

But a top distributor who happened to read this CTFO review informed me that the company no longer uses Precision Analytic Testing LLC for lab testing. 

So now, CTFO tested their products with 2 third-Party laboratories which are both ISO Accredited, EVIO Labs (ISO Accreditation # 97164), and Green Scientific Labs (ISO Accreditation # 17025).

With multiple lab test results, one can confidently buy a CBD Oil from CTFO and know that it is good quality, even though they are not a certified member of the US Hemp Authority.

#3 CBD Extraction Method

The surest method to extract the purest and most potent CBD from the plant is the Supercritical CO2 extraction method.

Most top brands in the CBD Industry are using this method, including CTFO.

CDB-Extraction-Method-For-CTFO<img alt=CDB-Extraction-Method-For-CTFO width=800 height=247 title=CDB-Extraction-Method-For-CTFO data-id=20618 src=https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CDB-Extraction-Method-For-CTFO.jpg style=”width: 100%;”>

CBD derives from the Cannabis or hemp plant, and the plant contains over 400 chemical entities, THC included (the compound that gets you high), so CBD extractions are very delicate.  

But the Supercritical CO2 extraction method is expensive due to the equipment used. Hence, an equipment cost is usually added to the price of the CBD products.

However, CTFO found a way to use this sophisticated extraction method while keeping the prices of their CBD products at minimum.

#4 Why CTFO CBD Products Are Cheaper

Here’s the exciting thing that sets CTFO apart.

I found that the reason CTFO products are marketed at such low prices is that the management team (Stuart Finder and others) do not draw executive compensation (salary) from the company.

They based their salary much like any other CTFO distributors – by the number of products they sell and the size of their sales team, which is a commendable thing!

You see in most MLM companies…

The people at the top (the founders and the management team) will usually draw a salary from the company, even without making any sales themselves.

No wonder CBD products from other MLM companies have to be sold at a premium price.

And even if you compare the price of CTFO’s CBD oils against other competitors which are not MLM companies, CTFO still sits among the cheapest in the market.

IMPORTANT: I am not an advocate or an associate of CTFO. I am just sharing the information that I’ve gathered, and I hope that it can help you make the right decision.

Now, if you are interested in the CTFO business opportunity, here’s what you need to know.

Changing The Future Outcome Compensation Plan

Like HempWorx, Zilis, or Kannaway, you can make money as a CTFO distributor by selling the products and building a sales team.

There are 4 ways you can earn from CTFO…

Retails Commissions

Changing the Future Outcome pays a 20% commission on all retail orders. You will be given an online storefront, through which you can sell and promote CTFO products to earn retail commissions.

The Changing The Future Outcome MLM compensation plan also includes Unilevel, Regenerating Matrix Pay and Infinity Bonus Pay.


This compensation pays up to 5 levels, and it is somewhat unique in the sense that there is no limit to the number of your 1st level recruits.

Anyone you enroll in the company becomes your first level of downlines, and you will get 20% on all their sales.

CTFO-Unilevel-Commissions<img alt=CTFO-Unilevel-Commissions width=300 height=290 title=CTFO-Unilevel-Commissions data-id=20620 src=https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CTFO-Unilevel-Commissions.jpg style=”width: 100%;”>

Anyone else who joins your team not recruited by you down to the 5th level, you will earn 4% in commissions.

Regenerating Matrix Pay

This is a two-part system, so make sure you won’t miss anything.

The first part of this compensation plan is paid via a 3×21 matrix. You are only allowed a maximum of 3 personally enrolled recruits on your first level.

Each person under you will also only have 3 people under them (so 9 in your 2nd level, 27 in your third level) down to 21 levels.

You will earn 1% commissions from levels 1-5, 10% on level 6 and 7, and another 1% from the 8th to the 21st level recruits. This is on top of the Unilevel commissions you are earning.

CTFO-Regenerating-Matrix-Compensation-Plan<img alt=CTFO-Regenerating-Matrix-Compensation-Plan width=800 height=481 title=CTFO-Regenerating-Matrix-Compensation-Plan data-id=20621 src=https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CTFO-Regenerating-Matrix-Compensation-Plan.jpg style=”width: 100%;”>

The second part of this compensation plan (refer to the right of the above image), you’ll have to personally enroll five people to qualify for all levels of commission in the Regenerating Matrix Pay.

  • If you refer one person only, you’ll earn a 25% of the commission from the 1st to 7th level.
  • If you refer two people, you’ll earn a 50% of the commission from the 1st to 7th level.
  • Three personally enrolled people will earn you a 100% of the commission from the 1st to 7th level.
  • Four personally enrolled people will unlock the 8th to 14th level commission.
  • And, five personally enrolled people will unlock the full 21 levels of commission.

CTFO Profit-Sharing

The Regenerating Matrix Pay comes with one extra feature, Profit-Sharing Positions.

If you’ve personally enrolled four people and above, those recruits will be placed directly under you (on your 1st level), which expands your potential earnings tremendously.

How I Quit My Full-Time Job and Still Earn a Full-Time Passive Income From Home. Learn How You Can Too!

Infinity Bonus Pay 

This is for the higher ranking CTFO distributors. As you continuously build your business, you will unlock different ranks that will determine your earning potential with the Infinity Bonus Pay.

CTFO-Infinity-Bonus-Pay<img alt=CTFO-Infinity-Bonus-Pay width=800 height=400 title=CTFO-Infinity-Bonus-Pay data-id=20622 src=https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CTFO-Infinity-Bonus-Pay.jpg style=”width: 100%;”>

On top of all your earnings with the Unilevel and Regenerating Matrix pay, you can additionally earn up to 19% commissions for the sales of your team up to infinity levels!

You can verify the information I’ve just shared on this updated CTFO review by watching the latest video (2019) below by Michael Kahn, COO of the company.

Cost To Join CTFO

It is free to become a CTFO affiliate or retailer.

But if you want to participate in the MLM compensation plan, you will have to subscribe to a monthly product autoship that costs $47.47.

If you don’t want to pay a monthly fee, you can still participate in the MLM compensation plan by enrolling and maintaining at least ten people in your team who will subscribe to the $47.47 autoship.

Now, this looks like a really good deal, right? 

Well, before you go and join CTFO, let me tell you that more than 95% of all the people who join this business does not make money.

Read the next part of this CTFO review to find out why.

Why More Than 95% Of People Don’t Make Money With CTFO

Okay, to be fair, this is not on Changing The Future Outcome alone. This statistics is real across the entire MLM industry.

I have been with different MLM companies before too, and based on my experiences, these are the most common reasons why most people fail in this kind of business.

#1 Lack Of Leads

No matter how good your product is or how promising the business opportunity, it all boils down to how many people you can share it with.

I know you probably have made a list of people that are most likely candidates to join CTFO or buy your products. 

But what happens once you’ve exhausted that list?

Most of the people I see who quit MLM like CTFO are the ones who have no idea how to get a steady source of leads (prospects) for their business.

#2 Lack Of Guidance And Support

Most people who join CTFO are not adept at selling products or talking to other people.

It is essential that before you join CTFO, see to it that your sponsor is capable of taking care of new distributors.

I am not saying that you will need to rely on your sponsor all the time.

But, you’ll be relying on the training provided by your sponsor.

If your sponsor is just like you, another new distributor who knows nothing about training and grooming new distributors, and still uses the traditional methods to find prospects…

You’ll end up being stuck and you’ll most likely quit.

#3 Wrong Mindset

If you want to join CTFO because you think (or led to believe) that this is where you can make easy money, you are mistaken.

Yes, you can make money with CTFO, but it will take time, hard work, patience, and skills. This is not a Get-Rich-Quick program, and nothing is.

#4 Lack Of Skills

Speaking of skills, if you hope to make a living and realize your dream life with Changing The Future Outcome, you must master the skills of selling, recruitment, and managing a team of sales reps.

Get another look at CTFO’s compensation plan.

It is no mystery that for you to make a lot of money, you will need to sell tons of products with the help of a large sales team.

You cannot hope to succeed alone.

How to Quit Your Full-Time Job and Still Earn a Full-Time Passive Income from Home?

Should You Join As CTFO Distributor?

I’ll be honest with you. Even if you think that CTFO products are super beneficial for everyone and the compensation plan looks solid, not everyone will feel the same. 

No matter if the products are extraordinary and affordable, you’ll be surprised that most people will still say “NO.”

That’s unless the person has a severe medical condition that no medicine can cure, then they will resort to trying every possible solution.

People don’t like to be sold” and “People hate to change.

To get people to buy CBD oil, it is either they will buy it at their own will because they need the products, or the salesperson is just so convincing that they have to buy it.

Which leads me to these questions:

  • Do you want to be a salesperson? 
  • Do you have any good experience with CTFO CBD products, and do you believe it can help other people too?

The CTFO business opportunity will work best for people who have good experience with its products and those who can confidently educate their customers about them to make regular sales.

So, if selling, recruiting, persuasion, and managing a team is not your cup of tea, and you are still looking for ways to earn money…

Then, I recommend that you check out this program.

It is the program that allowed me to quit my full-time job and still earn a full-time passive income from home.


If you are confident that Changing The Future Outcome is the business for you, then I would suggest that you to learn more about Attraction Marketing because it can help you remove the problem of not having enough leads.

Thank you for taking the time to read this CTFO review. I hope that I’ve provided you with the information you need.

If you think this is useful, please, share it because others might need this information.

And, if you’d like to discuss more about CTFO, feel free to leave a comment below.

Your pal,
