
TS Life – Scam Or Legit Business Opportunity?

Okay, let me guess. You came to this page because someone, a friend or family, introduced you to TS-Life.

And now, you want to find out if TS-Life is a scam or a legitimate business opportunity?

Believe me; I totally get you.

I too wouldn’t want to invest my hard-earned money into something I am unfamiliar with. Even if it is someone I trust who recommends me to it.

But to quickly give you a short summary, TS-Life is NOT a scam.

It is a legitimate MLM company that sells health and wellness products, but there is always a grey area as to whether the products work.

But generally, you can treat it as a commercial store selling products and fulfilling orders.

I think most people who are calling TS Life a scam are people who do not gel with the concept of Multi-Level Marketing.

You see, if you join this business, you can earn money by promoting TS-Life products and you also earn money from the sales volume of your recruited sales team. The more people you recruit to your team, the chances of you earning more money increases.

This concept has been widely adopted by many multi billion dollar companies, so generally, we can’t say it is a scam.

But while TS-Life is not an outright scam, this business is not for everyone. In fact, a little over 95% of all TS-Life distributors are not making a decent income.

Discover: How I Fired My Boss and Still Earn a Full-Time Income From Home. Here’s How You Can Too!

Besides, the TS-Life products, no matter how other people and its distributors praised it, is not evaluated by the FDA.

Therefore, there is no guarantee that you will get the health benefits you are hoping to get from them.

In this TS-Life review, I will reveal everything distributors wish they have known before they join the company.

What is TS-Life?


TS-Life is one of the newest MLM companies in the health and wellness niche with products similar to Le-vel Thrive, Visalus, Isagenix, and CorVive.

The “TS” in the company name stands for “Tastefully Simple.”

TS-Life Founder

TS-Life was founded by Caius Hale.


The company was launched in September last year (2018) in the UK and Ireland; November in the USA.

TS-Life Products


At the moment that I am writing this TS-Life review, the company currently is promoting 5 products.

This includes a food supplement, instant coffee, and weight loss replacement shakes.

The 5 products of TS-Life are

  • C-Craze – Instant coffee
  • D-Lite – Meal replacement shake
  • Pura-T – Healthy tea
  • Supanova – Liquid food supplement
  • Z-Charge – Workout supplement

But just recently, TS-Life added a new product line the TS-Life CBD Skin Care.

Related Post: Top CBD MLM Companies Approved By Most Consumers

Now, if you are planning to join this company for business, it is essential that you have tried and tested the TS-Life products yourself. Have you?

How was your experience with the TS-Life products?

Feel free to leave a comment below.

If you’ve had a good experience with the products, it must be that you want to promote them to other people too.

Well if that’s the case, let’s find out how you can make money with TS-Life, how much can you actually earn and why do some people call TS-Life a scam.

TS-Life Compensation Plan

There are two ways you can make money with TS-Life, retailing and recruitment.

Retails Commissions:

As a TS-Life distributor, you will get up to 50-70% profits for selling TS-Life products to non-members.

There are no minimum sales required to qualify for retailing commissions.

Recruitment Commissions:

TS-Life uses a Binary compensation plan and to qualify for commissions, you must have at least 2 people under you and 60PSV worth of products.

With the recruitment bonus, you will earn 10-120% commissions from the product sales of your whole team.

This video below will further explain the TS-Life compensation plan.

Did you take the time to watch the video of TS-Life’s comp plan?

You should if you are considering to “become a star” in TS-Life (pun intended).

If you did watch the video, you will realize that while TS-Life put a serious effort on the retailing side, the majority of their compensation plan is dedicated to you being a leader and building a team.

Therefore, if you want to make a steady income with TS-Life, you have no choice but to put emphasis on recruitment.

Yes, that’s a major red flag and I will explain why below.

But before that, here’s my opinion about TS-Life.

My Personal Take About TS-Life

I am confident that TS-Life is not a scam.

In fact, one thing I like about MLM companies such as TS-Life is that the Health and Wellness industry is a gold mine for entrepreneurs.

In recent years, people have been doing the best they possibly can to stay healthy.

In fact, I am no different. I simply approach this matter differently rather than purchasing expensive food supplements.

Why I Am Not Sold With TS-Life

I wanted to highlight some of the few things as to why TS-Life does not invigorate me. Also, these are the reasons why some people think TS-Life is a scam.

#1 You can lose weight without losing tons of money

I am not keen on weight loss products or MLM companies that promote them.

I personally do not like the idea of paying a premium for these kinds of products when I can just change my diet and get the same result.

Besides the fact that I don’t have that much money to splurge into health and wellness products, I found out that changing your diet and exercise could provide a better (and cheaper) solution.

Also, there isn’t any guarantee that the TS-Life products will be worth your money. These products aren’t tested and evaluated by the FDA so it may or may not work for you.

But hey, that’s just me.

#2 Recruitment is the name of the game

The TS-life compensation plan is heavily focused on recruitment rather than direct selling.

I usually tiptoe around these kinds of MLM companies because one can easily fall into a pyramiding scheme.

I am not saying that TS-Life is a pyramid scheme.

However, if a distributor of a company relies heavily on recruitment to make money, then the FTC clearly has strong opinions about that.

#3 Chances to succeed with TS-Life is pretty slim

Another reason why TS-Life does not particularly make me hit the ground running is that more than 95% of MLM company distributors are doom to fail (I will discuss more of this in a moment).

This is not a made-up number. This is the agreed consensus in the industry.

Sure a good and legit MLM company such as TS-Life will provide you with a small percentage of success.

However, engaging in a business format where you are likely to fail 9.5 out of 10 times is a little ridiculous to me.

But hey, it’s your time and money. Nevertheless, just in case, you share the same feelings with me, here’s an easier and better alternative that can turn your passion or interested into a Full-Time business from home.

Why Over 95% Of TS-Life Distributors Don’t Make Good Money

I have been with different MLM companies before and what I will share with you below is based on my actual experience in the network marketing industry.

#1 Too Much Competition

In the case of TS-Life, the company is promoting health and wellness products.

Although the niche is enormous, there are also hundreds and even thousands of other companies, MLM and non-MLM, that are promoting similar if not better and cheaper products.

This will be a tough challenge to face especially in the case of TS-Life which at the moment only has a meager number of products to offer.

Also, the company is new and people have the tendency of trusting a more established company.

But what do you think of the TS-Life products? Are they competitive enough? Do you think the TS-Life products are easy to sell?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

#2 Not Enough Leads

Leads and Prospects is the lifeline of any business. The same thing remains true with the TS-Life business.

Yes, you can sell the TS-Life products to your family and friends at the start.

But what happens if,

  • They are not happy with your products
  • Your products are not the ones they need
  • They found a much better product from your competitors
  • TS-Life products are too expensive for them

When this happens, you will see that you lose a considerable chunk of your primary prospects quickly.

On the recruitment side, you must accept the fact that the business opportunity an MLM company such as TS-Life offers is not for everyone.

Once you have annoyed most of the people around you, you will find it really hard to sell your products or recruit anyone to join your business.

What you need to do is to learn how to find the right people for your TS-Life business instead of you chasing after them. This program will teach you how.

#3 Lack Of Passion

No matter how good a company is if your heart is not into what you are doing, success is far from sight. A lot of distributors fail in this industry because of this simple fact.

Before you decide to join and become a distributor for an MLM company such as TS-Life, first ask yourself these questions.

  • Is this really something you wanted to do?
  • Would you love what you will be doing in the long run?
  • Are you comfortable in selling products and recruiting people?

Furthermore, these 8 things will help you decide whether or not you should join an MLM company like TS-Life.

Selling and Recruiting Made Easy For You

#4 Wrong Mentality

Are you planning to join TS-Life because you had a good experience with the products or you simply thought that this is an easy way to make money?

I am sorry but if you join TS-Life because you want to make money regardless of your experience with the products, you are likely to fail.

Many people join an MLM company because they think that making money in this industry is easier compared to… I don’t know, breathing.

Alright, that might have been an exaggeration, but you get my point.

Making money in MLM is hard. Yes, you might become successful with this industry but it will never be easy.

Millions of people have failed in this industry because they do not realize that to succeed as a distributor, you need hard work, dedication, and actual skills that all good network marketers possess.

You must be patient to endure all the challenges that you are bound to face in the future.

So before you join TS-Life, get a clear idea as to “Why would you want to do this?

An Alternative to MLM With A Higher Chance Of Success

#5 Flawed Compensation Plan

Many legit MLM companies have been taken down or forced to change business model recently by the FTC because of their controversial compensation plans. See AdvoCare.

Apart from that, it is rare but not unheard of that one MLM company simply mismanaged their financial plans which eventually leads to bankruptcy.

If you are keen on joining an MLM company, I highly advise that you keep an eye on the compensation plan that they offer to their members.

Discover: How I Fired My Boss and Still Earn a Full-Time Income From Home. Here’s How You Can Too!

How Much Is The Cost To Join TS-Life

On their official website (ts-life.com), there are two kinds of enrollment methods provided to anyone who wants to become part of the TS-Life movement.

Pre-Star Enrollment – £0.00

This is the first option that requires no amount to be a part of the company. All you need to do is complete a signup form provided to you.

After this, you will then have access to TS-Life’s products and will be entitled to partial discounts.


Full Star Enrollment – £27.50

The Full Star membership is a one-time payment that will give you a “Lifetime Access” to all of TS-Life benefits.

This includes a replicated website, business tools, training resources, and more.

You will also be entitled to each of TS-Life’s products’ full discounted wholesale prices.

So, do you think you can make the TS-Life business opportunity work?

TS-Life Pros and Cons

To keep you in perspective, here is my personal pros and cons list regarding TS-Life.


  • Legit MLM company
  • Good quality products
  • You can get product discounts for free
  • Retailing is an option
  • New in the industry, so you are likely to become one of the pioneers
  • Health and Wellness products always have a huge market


  • MLM business has a very low success rate
  • The TS-Life compensation plan is recruitment-focused
  • Too many competitors in the Health and Wellness sector
  • A newcomer MLM company
  • Currently, only have a few products
  • Only available at very few selected territories
  • You must sell tons of products and recruit many people to make money

Discover: How I Fired My Boss and Still Earn a Full-Time Income From Home. Here’s How You Can Too!

Now, to answer the question that has brought you to this page…

Verdict – Should You Join TS-Life

The truth is, whether or not the TS-Life business opportunity is for you depends on you alone.

If you are passionate about making an honest effort to make this business opportunity work for you, chances are it might (although the number is stacked against you).

If you are confident that you can,

  • Sell/Promote TS-Life products effectively
  • Recruit other people to join the company
  • Do the business whatever it takes

Then TS-Life might be a suitable business for you. However…

  • If selling is not your forte
  • Inviting and recruiting people is not something you are passionate about
  • Leading a network of people sounds like a burden to you

Then I highly suggest that you take a look at this instead.

TS-Life Business Opportunity Alternative

This online business challange is what allowed me and many other people to earn a full-time income from home without selling and recruitment.

And regardless of your experience, and whether you have been burned or scammed before, finally now you can start and grow your own business to earn a six-figure income even as a complete beginner.

If that interests you, then you should check out this real-life testimony. Proofs of income included.

Thank you for taking the time to read this TS-Life review.

I hope that I have provided you with the answers to the question that brings you here. If you think this would help someone too, please do not hesitate to share this with them.

On the other hand, if you have a particular interest that you want to utilize to start a profitable online business…

There is a form below for a FREE online course that will teach you how to turn your passion into profits.

Until the next Bare Naked Scam review. Whatever decision you arrived after this, I sincerely wish you nothing but success in the future.

Your pal,
