
Digital Genius Lab Review – A Secret Insider Reveals it All!

I guess I am the first person reviewing the Digital Genius Lab (DGL).

Just did a Google search on 23 March 2018 and I only found reviews from the DGL’s Facebook page. The rest of the search results were not related to DGL.

<img alt=”Digital Genius Lab first to review” width=’807′ height=’865′ title=”Digital Genius Lab first to review” data-id=’7675′ src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Digital-Genius-Lab-first-to-review.png’ style=”width: 100%;”>Digital Genius Lab first to review

Digital Genius Lab is a pretty new Internet Marketing training program which teaches you how to make money online by promoting DGL on Facebook.

I’m glad you found this Digital Genius Lab review, because I am going to share with you everything you need to know in order to make an informed decision.

<img alt=”Digital Genius Lab Review” width=’708′ height=’304′ title=”Digital Genius Lab Review” data-id=’7686′ src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Digital-Genius-Lab-Review.png’ style=”width: 100%;” data-lazy-src=’//barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Digital-Genius-Lab-Review-300×129.png’ data-was-processed=’true’>Digital Genius Lab Review<img alt=”Digital Genius Lab Review” width=300 height=129 title=”Digital Genius Lab Review” data-id=7686 src=//barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Digital-Genius-Lab-Review-300×129.png style=”width: 100%;”>

I’ve even taken the leap to join the DGL membership in order to give you a 360 degree overview of what this program is about. The rest is up to you to decide.

My first encounter with DGL was when several prospective DGL members approached me to do a review about this program.

Most of them have complained about the DGL’s lack of transparency about their “High Ticket” product (I’ll discuss this in the later part of this review).

The first thing that I found was that there wasn’t anybody reviewing this program yet.

So, with my investigative cap on, I’ve dived into the program and here’s what I’ve found.

This program has led me and more than a thousand people make a Life Changing income online. Find out how you can too!

What is Digital Genius Lab?

It is a Digital Marketing Training Platform that teaches you how to promote Digital Genius Lab on Facebook using paid ads.

They say that the 90% of the work is done-for-you because they will build the back-end sales funnel for you.

The 10% work that you have to do is to source for traffic on Facebook, and drive them to DGL.

Anybody without any prior knowledge can learn from their training course that supposedly teach you how to make money from this program.

Digital Genius Lab seemed to be founded by Sean Malone, Chris Baden and other “Digital Geniuses” whom you will encounter in the membership area, but when I made a purchase through their platform, interestingly, I’ve got an email receipt from [email protected].

<img alt=’Digital-genius-lab-receipt-pyjamasbosses’ width=’838′ height=’460′ title=’Digital-genius-lab-receipt-pyjamasbosses’ data-id=’7676′ src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Digital-genius-lab-receipt-pyjamasbosses.png’ style=”width: 100%;”>Digital-genius-lab-receipt-pyjamasbosses

If that’s the case, I assume that the real founder of DGL is related to the pyjamabosses.com.

However, on the pyjamabosses’ website, DGL wasn’t listed in its product listing.

Like DGL, pyjamabosses is in the business of teaching digital marketing, but it’s focus is on promoting Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) companies.

UPDATE: A prospective DGL member has highlighted to me that in fact Pyjamabosses is the owner of the program.

<img alt=”Digital Genius Lab Pyjamabosses” width=’854′ height=’144′ title=”Digital Genius Lab Pyjamabosses” data-id=’7694′ src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Digital-Genius-Lab-Pyjamabosses.png’ style=”width: 100%;”>Digital Genius Lab Pyjamabosses

Source: Terms of Service

On the onset, everything about Digital Genius Lab looks legitimate.

They have good branding, and a catchy name.

What’s interesting is the things that happen inside of the Membership area.

I’m sure as a DGL member, or as a person who’ve just come across DGL, you would have listened in to a 2 hour long webinar hosted by Sean Malone and Chris Baden.

In the next section, I am going to give you an overview of what was discussed in the webinar.

The Digital Genius Lab Webinar

“How to start your own online business that affords you the Lifestyle you desire….. Without being a tech expert or needing any prior experience online”, this is the message they want to get across to you.

You don’t need any prior knowledge or any skills, all you have to do is to learn from DGL and implement what they teach.

The first 15 minutes or so, of the webinar is about Sean Malone’s story on how he went from rag to riches, and why he thinks that working a 9 to 5 job is not a good idea anymore.

He also speaks about the difficulties of becoming successful without a good mentor, and that’s where he portrays himself as a mentor, a 6 figure per year internet marketer with 10 years of Online Marketing experience.

What I found inconsistent about his story was when he said that Digital Genius Lab was the program that eventually got him to become successful.

A little research into this and I found that digitalgeniuslab.com was registered on 20 November 2017.

<img alt=’Digital-genius-lab-domain-registration’ width=’590′ height=’297′ title=’Digital-genius-lab-domain-registration’ data-id=’7677′ src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Digital-genius-lab-domain-registration.png’ style=”width: 100%;”>Digital-genius-lab-domain-registration

I am quite certain that Digital Genius Lab was not the reason for him to become successful.

What you can learn from the webinar is that Affiliate Marketing is the way to go to make a lot of money online.

In fact, he said that to be successful with affiliate marketing, you have to have (1) a good mentor, (2) a high converting sales funnel, and (3) a high-ticket back-end product sale (at least $1,000 per sale).

As a six figure per year earner myself, I totally agree with that statement.

Some claims that I don’t agree with

Here are some things that Sean Malone said in the webinar that I don’t agree with…

Website Building Requires Selling. Personally, I dislike selling as well, but I do have a website.

Drop-Shipping requires you to buy inventory. That’s in the past, but not anymore. You don’t need to buy inventory to Drop Ship. When there is an order, you make the call and the product will be sent to the customer directly from the supplier.

Cost Per Lead for $4 is a Steal. Sean Malone said that normally to acquire a lead online would normally cost $6 to $10 per lead. A lead is basically someone who subscribes to your email list. Unfortunately I have to disagree because I acquire leads without spending any money.

Direct Access to Six Figure Income Earner usually cost $500 per hour. Hmm… Maybe I need to start charging people for my advice.

A Program where you can get access to Hundreds of Six Figure Income Earners (including me) Without Spending $500 per hour. Interested?

What’s in the Digital Genius Lab?

Digital Genius Lab is still in its infancy stage, even the Facebook Group isn’t working at the time of this review (hopefully this is fixed by the time you read this review).

Clicking on the Facebook Group Button in the membership area will lead you to this:

<img alt=”Digital Genius Lab Facebook Group Error” width=’564′ height=’148′ title=”Digital Genius Lab Facebook Group Error” data-id=’7689′ src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Digital-Genius-Lab-Facebook-Group-Error.png’ style=”width: 100%;”>Digital Genius Lab Facebook Group Error

There’s still a lot that hasn’t been released yet…

<img alt=’Digital-genius-lab-membership-coming-soon’ width=’1920′ height=’902′ title=’Digital-genius-lab-membership-coming-soon’ data-id=’7679′ src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Digital-genius-lab-membership-coming-soon.png’ style=”width: 100%;”>Digital-genius-lab-membership-coming-soon

As of 23 March 2018, (refer to the screenshot above) the Laboratory, Elements, and some other bonuses were still not released yet.

It is still too early to judge the worthiness of this program.

The only place that you can get your education now is from its “Training Lab” (I’ll discuss this in a while).

The first thing that you need to do when you enter the membership area is to book a coaching call, and then “Step Two” of the coaching process requires you to complete 10 simple questions before the coaching call. These are the questions:

  1. Do You Have The Heart Desire & Willingness To Make A Change?
  2. Have You Had Your “Line In The Sand” Moment?
  3. What’s Going On In Your Life “RIGHT NOW” That Has You Wanting To Build An Internet Business?
  4. What Does A “Perfect Day” In Your Dream Lifestyle Look Like?
  5. What Is Your Dream Lifestyle Worth To You? In Other Words, If A Genie Were Willing To Grant You The Dream Lifestyle You Previously Described, How Much Would You Be Willing To Pay?
  6. What Is The Income Goal You’re 100% Committed To Achieving In The Next 12 Months?
  7. Who Besides You Is Going To Benefit?
  8. What Is Your Monthly Marketing Budget (Money You Can Safely Set Aside Each Month To Market Your Business)?
  9. What Is Your Start Up Capital Amount?
  10. If We Were Having This Conversation 3 Years From Today, What Has To Have Happened In Your Life Both Personally And Professionally For You To Be Happy With Your Progress?

Well, I’ve seen many similar programs that asks these questions, basically, the salesperson or “coaches”, will use the information that you’ve provided to “convince” you to purchase the high-ticket product (I’ll share what the product is in a while).

Let’s back track a little, in the webinar, Sean Malone said that you’ll have access to their “Hands Free Business Package” where you will own your webinar team & sales team.

This is what he was talking about. Their coaches are a part of the sales team. And, the webinar team? It is the exact webinar that got you into DGL.

Basically, all of your future referrals will go through the exact experience as you did when you join the program.

The Training Lab

There’s a total of 5 modules.

Module 1 introduces you to the Facebook Fan Page and how you can get “100 Likes” on your Fan Page.

Module 2 teaches you how to set up your DGL back office so that the 90% done-for-you sales funnel will work properly.

Module 3 teaches you how to set up your business manager, ad account, and pixel on Facebook.

Module 4 will teach you some advertising basics, and the “Top 6” most successful type of Facebook ads. The first ad that you should create is where you tell your hero’s journey, which is the story of how you’ve encountered DGL, and why you think it is the best opportunity.

Module 5 will teach you how to identify the “winning” ad and scale it.

In my opinion, the information on the first 3 modules can be found on Facebook itself. So, the information is not of value in my opinion.

However, it’s not all bad in this program, module 4 and 5 does give some good info about how to create a good Facebook ad and getting engaged with people on Facebook.

But, for $97 per month or $997 per year, I don’t think it is not worth that much.

I’ve personally tried and tested many Internet Marketing educational products, and there are a few that provides a lot more value at a cheaper price.

Programs like Wealthy AffiliateFizzleAuthority HackerLurn Insider, are just some of the programs that are far superior than DGL.

But, I would say that Wealthy Affiliate is the best out of the bunch. It provides hundreds of hours of recorded weekly training, dozens step-by-step training modules, live support, internet marketing tools (including web hosting), mentor-ship program, and many more, all for just $49 per month (and no further upsells). You can check out the Wealthy Affiliate review here.

So, what’s the “High-Ticket” Product in Digital Genius Lab?

Heard of Enagic?

It is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Company that sells water ionization machines that cost thousands of dollars.

That makes me wonder, if this is an MLM company, wouldn’t it look like a pyramid scheme (recruitment scheme) if the distributors focus on recruitment and not product sales?

This question has been asked, and Sean Malone has answered. “Look it up on Wikipedia”, that’s what he said.

<img alt=’Digital-genius-lab-pyramid-scheme’ width=’1313′ height=’160′ title=’Digital-genius-lab-pyramid-scheme’ data-id=’7682′ src=’https://www.barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Digital-genius-lab-pyramid-scheme.png’ style=”width: 100%;”>Digital-genius-lab-pyramid-scheme

Yes. He claimed that this is not a pyramid scheme according to Wikipedia (we know how reliable their information is).

However, why are other companies like Herbalife and many others being prosecuted as pyramid schemes? Here’s what a pyramid scheme really is:

And, here’s what the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said about pyramid schemes.

So, what do you think about this? Does Digital Genius Lab seem like a pyramid scheme? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think?

Let’s say that it is not a Pyramid Scheme…

To truly make money with Digital Genius Lab, you have to buy a water ionization machine which cost between $1,250 to $6,000.

Once you have bought the machine, you will automatically be enrolled as an Enagic distributor in order to participate in its compensation plan.

So, here’s the total cost you need to know in order to make money from this program:

  1. A one-time investment in the water ionization machine which cost between $1,250 to $6,000;
  2. Monthly investment into Facebook Ads (based on your budget ~ usually between $100 to $500 per month or more); and
  3. The $97 per month for the Digital Genius Lab Membership.

I’ve shared with you everything I know about DGL, the decision is yours to make.

A Program that Teaches You all about Making Money Online, without Spending Hundreds or Thousands!

My Final Word

This program is much like another program called Global Affiliate Zone. Global Affiliate Zone is another Affiliate Marketing program that promotes Enagic.

Sean Malone talks about Affiliate Marketing, when in fact, it is about Multi-Level Marketing.

The fact is MLM companies that focus on recruitment (instead of product promotion) is considered a pyramid scheme in the books of Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Hopefully DGL will not be caught as the forefront of a pyramid scheme.

In my opinion, there are many programs out there that provides much more value than DGL at a much cheaper price.

Wealthy Affiliate, among others I’ve mentioned above, are far superior in terms of Internet Marketing training.

I hope I have provide you with sufficient information for you to make your decision.

Whatever decision that you make, I wish you all the best. 

Thank you so much for reading this review!

If you find this review helpful, please share it by clicking on the social media buttons below.

And, if you’d like to discuss more about Digital Genius Lab, please, feel free to leave a comment below.

Your pal,


<imgsrc=https://barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/My-Secret-to-Online-Sucess.png alt=”My Secret to Online Sucess” width=600 height=315>


  1. Looks like a complete scam you can say!They are only teaching others how to grow their business!!

  2. James Wolfe says:

    So? I’m reading your review of DGL? They have been contacted with me. So I am reading your review on them. Do you think that they are not really worth the effort to join. I haven’t joined yet. Just thinking.

    1. In my opinion, if you aren’t willing to invest in a water machine that cost thousands of dollars, and you aren’t willing to promote the same water machine to others, then you shouldn’t think about joining. Don’t join DGL or Enagic just because you want to earn money, join because the products worth your time selling. If money is the only reason to join then I’ll be honest that there are much better opportunities out there that don’t cost as much.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

    2. Florrie Baranoski says:

      Valuable input. Thank you 🙂

    3. Heath Kulzer says:

      At the heart of your essence you have the answer; you understand your power and you know what you must do.

  3. Thank you Jack for this review on DGL. I found myself nearly trapped in this Enagic scheme as I came across a post on Facebook !! I was curious at 1st and paid my $99 to see what it was about. I was very skeptical even while watching the free webinar! Soon to realize that I need to do more research on Enagic, and that is when I landed on barenakedscam.com. I was also a member of Wealthy Affiliate for about 6 months and I truly learned a lot about internet marketing on WA!! What a great platform to learn about the online business. WA was the reason I could build my OWN website for FREE and getting enough leads to doing my business, in something I like, without paying 100’s of $$$ for senseless systems milking inexperienced online to be marketers or people who would like to start out but have no idea how to. YOU can fall in the trap very easily. DO your research, google the scheme/system/name, and you will find yourself on reviews like this one here to gain knowledge and more info about what you want to get into. You will soon realize if it is legit or not. Opt out and find alternatives where you can learn without paying 100’s of $$!!! If it is too good to be true, then it usually is!!! Thanks Jack for a great review!!

    1. Hey Jacob,

      Thanks for sharing your opinion here on both programs! Truly appreciate it!

      I’m Glad that my review helped!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  4. Andrea Bowman says:

    definitley helped me out a lot…purxjased within this month and just seen this review bc I was hesistant on mking another purchase with them. Thanks for your review. I felt like this was a pyrimad scheme when I was watching the same video you referred to in your review. I’ll check out Wealthy Affiliate. Heard from another person it was a good option. Thanks again

    1. I am glad that the review helped Andrea!

      Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely one of the best place for beginners to learn about affiliate marketing. 🙂

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  5. Wow, I purchased 2 days ago. I finally settled down from my other jobs to go in and look at the material but I decided to look up some reviews instead. I really wish I had come across this before I purchased. Now, I get to go through the process of trying to get my money refunded. I have very little spend money and I really don’t want it wasted. I can agree with paying people to advertise for a company, but I don’t think I should have to purchase the product. Especially if all the advertisement wording is done for me. My coaching call is tomorrow. I suppose I will hear his sales pitch. I will turn it down though.

    1. Hey VRenee,

      Thanks for dropping by and I’m glad that my review helped 🙂

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  6. Thanks Jack for this helpful review! Also I’d like to mention I’ve been getting adds from foundr and I’d LOVE for you to also do a review on that as well. They offer a course and I want to know if it’s as good as they make it out to be. Thanks!

    1. Hey Sam,

      You are most welcome!

      And thank you for letting me know about Foundr’s courses. I know Foundr for quite some time now, and my first impression was that they are honest and legit and they provide a lot of value to entrepreneurs even without charging a fee. So, we’ll have to see when I actually go through their courses. It will take some time but I will update you once I’ve gone through them.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  7. James Brdecko says:

    Hi Jack. Can you tell me the total cost to join as a premium member. Also in the hosting. I am very interested. After joining is there any hidden fees that I would not be aware of. Thanks James

  8. Tyffani Cox says:

    As soon as I read this and watched the 2 hour webinar I said “pyramid Scheme” I kept asking myself “what product are you selling” that question was never answered, and then I realized” hey we are promoting their business, spending our money to promote for them on Facebook, while they make money, we make nothing…basically helping the rich get richer”. I truly feel sorry for people that buy this garbage and I truly hope these people all get caught, because what they are doing is wrong! I agree with you, Wealthy Affiliate is a great marketing website with tons of helpful info to help people generate revenue. Thank you for doing this review, as u stated there was nothing on this company except reviews from people that are in the company itself, which are probably more then likely paid reviews.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Tyffani!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  9. Thanks for the info! I live by the moto if it’s too good to be true it usually is. I was very interested in what they were trying to promote; leaving my 9-5, traveling the world, making lots of money without much effort, ect. But the webinar seemed a bit sketchy to me. It almost seemed like they pre-recorded it and then tried to play it back as a live video. The people replying automatically to whatever Sean said seemed very robotic as well.
    I was very annoyed with all the email I was receiving and, to me, they seemed fake like a scam. The emails weren’t genuine at all. I did receive two emails from an employee (or whatever they are called) named Ashley. She told me to follow her on Instagram so I did. He posts and email responses did seem legit. After the webinar I emailed Ashley about a couple questions I had before I paid any money. She never responded. That’s when I decided to seek out reviews before DGL hook, lined, and sank me and my money before I had a chance to know what was happening. I’m glad you brought up the part about pyramid scheme. That’s the first thing I thought DGL was while watching the webinar. If Ashley would have responded to my email and answered my questions I probably would fallen for DGL.
    To be completely honest with you I am still very confused what DGL is even after reading this review from Jack three times. To the people who paid the money and are finding success, good for you. As for me I’m glad I didn’t fall into that trap. Thanks for the help!

    1. Hi Jenna,

      The concept of DGL is actually quite simple.

      Because DGL is basically the front sales funnel for Enagic, all a person need to do to earn money from DGL and Enagic is to buy:

      1. The DGL monthly membership
      2. A water machine from Enagic

      Then, all an individual need to do is to start driving traffic to DGL, and let it take care of itself.

      DGL basically creates a loop of new members going through the same process.

      Hope this helps you understand.

      Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this program.

      Jack (BareNakedScam)

  10. Thanks for the honest review! It’s much appreciated, and I do agree with you. 🙂

    1. Thanks for your kind words Brandi!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  11. yeah, it’s awesome to see your review about DGL after spend a hour to webinar video, but I’m not sure how to say this, but my nature spirit whispers .. it’s smell something fishy here . that’s why I pause the webinar and do some little research then found your review. It’s awesome when you review completely answer few questions o. top of my head. you do a great job man.

    1. Thanks Luis! I’m glad the review helped.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

    2. So I was watching the video too and was so tempted to buy, BUT started researching and found this review. I will check out Wealthy Affiliate and see how that looks. I just want to invest in something that is worth the money and not scam me. Thank you for the info!!


      1. You are most welcome Jenny! I am glad that helped.

        ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  12. I’m just trying to get some help setting up my blog. Any information would be appreciated.

  13. I am sooooo glad I read this!!! Like seriously you have no idea!! I have my call with my coach today and I was debating about signing up and everything because I get it, like I totally see the value in marketing using the internet. I don’t like the fact that I’d have to purchase a high-ticket item to be able to join and receive the training. I do, however, want to find out more about affiliate marketing and I thank you for providing these recommendations. If at all possible, I don’t want to go into debt to make money, so glad to know there are other options.

    1. You are most welcome and I am glad that my review helped, Paige!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  14. Thank you for your honest review. I appreciate getting to hear both sides of things and then getting to make the decision for myself. You helped address a lot of concerns I had after looking in to this.

    1. You are most welcome Aubrey! I am Glad that the review helped.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  15. Thank you Jack for your reply!!!
    I will get to you on facebook link.
    Thanks for the details. I appreciate your time.

  16. Emilie Johnsen says:

    Wow, I’m SO glad I decided to research reviews for this. I literally just spent 3 hours of my weekend watch DGL videos and was about to buy their membership. I still had alot of questions, but after knowing all the info you provided, it makes me mad but thankful that I didn’t get sucked in. Thank you!

    1. I am Glad that my review helped Emilie.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

      1. Hi Jack, we just joined a company where you’re promoting cheaper rates for bills you and almost everyone already pay. Would like your input on it if you can send an email please. Thanks!

        1. Hey Tara,

          Just sent you an email.

          ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  17. Thank you Jack…it is really easy to get tricked by these online business nowadays. Lack of information leads towards lack of money and loss of time. Thank you for the explanation Jack. Is there any possibility to make money and not invest anything in the beginning?
    What is your advise regarding ebates.com ???

    1. Hi Alex,

      In my opinion, you’ll definitely need to invest a little money in a step-by-step program that teaches you how to build an online business in a structured manner.

      Yes, there are a lot of free information out there, but if you are totally new to online business, you will not know where to start and you’ll end up overwhelming yourself and eventually quit the industry entirely.

      If you are interested to know the step-by-step program that I spoke about, you can chat with me on Facebook through this link.

      Regarding eBates it is a good program for you to earn some extra cash. I am generally like an online job, but it requires a lot of your time and it earns you little money. It is definitely not a program for you if you are looking to earn passive income online.

      I hope this helps Alex.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  18. itstylerryan says:

    If you cant tell by the way this guy has his “#1 RECCOMENDED OPPORTUNITY” link plastered all over this page, this guy clearly wrote this post to hijack traffic off of those interested in DGL.

    It is not a scam. It is legitimate. You join DGL, you get affiliated, you learn the skill set and you make money. it is exactly what is explained in the webinar and coaching process and an amazing opportunity for those seeking for a way to earn online. I myself love the lifestyle freedom working with DGL has allowed me.

    Think for yourself- don’t let this guy seeking cheap clicks by piggybacking off of someone else’s success sway you.

    Sean and Melissa and the whole community are super supportive and really care about helping the newest people be successful.

    The system works and is totally worth every bit of money and effort.

  19. Hi Jack , thank you for the effort and passion to enlighten us. I’m sending you this message cause the previous one didn”t go through. How long would it take for an average person not familiar with Facebook who enrolls in Wealthy Affiliate to make a 1000.00/monthly if he dedicates to it on a full-time basis(8 hrs./day)?

    1. It’s hard to say Jay. There’s really a lot of variant.

      Everyone has different learning capabilities, everyone implements stuff differently, so I can’t give you a definite answer.

      However, from my personal experience, I’ve made my first dollar online on the fourth month, and around $500 on the eighth month. It took a year to earn $1,000 a month.

      But, the figures have always been increasing exponentially every year.

      If you want to learn more about it, you can read my stories here:

      2015; 2016; 2017;

      I hope this helps.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  20. Thanks for the response. I sent an email right away to cancel my subscription. I should’ve seen it right from the start. You don’t have control on your payment parameters. You don’t have the power to change or modify your payment options yourself.

    Hopefully, they’ll cut it right away and not take advantage of me!

    1. Hi Kit,

      I think they are legit in that way. They do provide refunds promptly. So, don’t worry.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  21. Thanks guys for the reviews. Actually I was asking myself some questions about DGL. Been in there for 2 months now. I’ve got the impression that I’m throwing my money by the window. I was wondering if te thing was legit, and how to finance a 5000$ machine!!!! I don’t have taht kind of money! Also, I don’t have any millionaire friends, ans personally wouldn’t want to buy an expensive machine if I saw it on Facebook

    What should I do? Got any alternative for making money online opportunities that are legit AND that really work?

    1. Hi Kit,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the program.

      That’s the problem when a program allows you to earn money from it only when you purchase their high ticket product. You’ll eventually be stuck if you don’t have the money.

      There’s definitely good alternatives. The one I recommend for any beginners to build an online business from scratch is Wealthy Affiliate.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  22. Look someone promoting their own product after having another ???

    1. Hey Jim,

      Thanks for your comment.

      I think you are one of the DGL supporters or maybe you are a Enagic distributor, and hence such comment. Fully understand.

      I don’t see any problem with me recommending other programs.

      You see, if DGL is that good, I’ll recommend it without a doubt. Honestly, this review ranks quite well on Google, so it attracts a lot of traffic, and I could have made a lot of money off DGL.

      But why am I not recommending it? It is the exact reasons that I have talked about in this review.

      People who feels the same way that I do about DGL would want to know if there are alternatives, and therefore I am directing them to programs that are far superior than DGL.

      Anyway thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  23. Okay first off idk what all the negativitie is about because I had no problems getting them to answer my questions and they were really honest. And very up front and this other. So this is beyond me it’s people like you and the guy abovet in the comments have nothing better to do then be hateful.

    1. It’s fine if you feel this way. I don’t blame you.

      I did my part of informing, and the rest is up to you.

      I wish you all the best in whatever decision you make.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  24. I am so glad that I found this review, I have searched and searched and by luck found this site. You want to know my opinion, this is not a good program to join, let me explain why, everything that you wrote is true. I did not pay the $99 because I did talk directly to the person that led me to her facebook page where I read their story about how DGL saved their life and how they are able to travel the world, this is how I started to do my research by clicking on other people’s likes and links to get more information on DGL. I was so close to fall for this program, Oh man, I should have known better, but this was the first time I saw this. Darn facebook and their paid advertising sponsors. Yes, this is how I ended up clicking through to this program when I saw Sean and Melissa’s story on Facebook…..https://www.facebook.com/TheOriginalPowerCouple/posts/204440796627138

    Once I read their story, I clicked on it and it lead me to write my email and my name, of course I gave a fake name and email just to get in. Then a load of emails, and I mean loads of email they send me after I did not respond to their webinar, then I finally copy and pasted it from my email and participated in listening to Sean, Chris and others team members which took a long time just talking about rags to riches than how their methods will help you get your dream life.

    Anyways, at this point I am seeing people in the chat room (which was disable and I was not able to ask any questions) and seeing people just ask questions and or repeat Chris or Sean what to say on the chat room, for example, Chris would say, Chris would say, write “you’re tired” on the comments if you are sick and tired of your 9-5 job, then there goes all the sheep saying, yeah, “I’m tired”, then he would go on talking about how DGL will be their key to success because of all the work Sean and Chris put in this system to get it to work with the average Joe and Jane. And yes, this reviewer was right, what you saw, that whole team that Chris and Sean talked about was it, the webinar and the so called “coaches” or “mentors” which are just sales distributors.

    Want to know my thoughts, you will be paying the $99 dollars just to to be taught some basic marketing knowledge that you can get on Facebook, youtube, google, blogs, etc for FREE. Then that affiliated talk that most of the distributor talk about is being part of the MLM with ENAGIC, which they sell a high prices water filter. I believe that Sean and Melissa are smart because they found a way to get more leads and more distributors but using Digital Genius Lab as a mask to join their team. Basically anyone that joins, are not only paying for their marketing tool, but you also have to pay thousands just to become an active and qualified distributor in order to be part of that compensation plan. And good luck trying to sell people a water filter that cost more than a $1000 to the average Joe and Jane, I hope you have lots of rich friends or people that have spare change to spare.

    Look folks, if you want to sell Kangen Water, which is Engaic, then go straight to the source without having to pay for Digital Genius Lab, which is AGAIN… The webinar you signed up for when you saw a link to get more information and just saw a box that said…name and email. Then the good old uplines or sorry, coaches that call once you pay for the $99.00 just to promote the water filter, then get to get a Facebook like page and pay for facebook ads to get a mass of people to join the program. Look, it’s clever for the founders because they are just trying to get a piece of that good ol’ pie. Hey in their words, don’t hate the player, hate the game.

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