
Six Figure Mentors Scam – System Exposed!!!

Name: Six Figure Mentors (a.k.a. SFM)

Website(s): thesixfigurementors.com

Price: $29.95 + $97/mth + $297 + $2,500/yr + up to $20,000

Owners: Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek

Income Opportunity Rating: 1.5 / 5 Stars

#1 Recommended Online Business Training with Proof: Click Here

This question is asked by many, and there are equal amounts of good and bad reviews.

I am not an affiliate of Six Figure Mentors, but I have the first hand experience on the program, so I think I am qualified to give an unbiased and truthful review.

If you are looking for an insider review on Six Figure Mentors, you have come to the right place.

In 2014, I wrote a review on Carbon Copy Pro and I was shocked by the cost of that program which was developed by the 2 co-founders of Six Figure Mentors (Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek).

Carbon Copy Pro was the front runner for the promotion of an internet marketing educational course, Digital Experts Academy (“DEA”), which cost in the range of $2,500 to $20,000. Carbon Copy Pro wounded up and it re-directs its visitors to Six Figure Mentors.

Six Figure Mentors inherited the Digital Experts Academy and they are now promoting it to its members.

Before we jump to conclusion, I would like to first say that the Six Figure Mentors does provide good knowledge on Internet Marketing to its members, but the problem is with its cost and its roadblocks which I will be discussing in this review.

Fundamentally, Six Figure Mentors is not a scam.

I agree with most reviews mentioning that the knowledge of Internet Marketing, which Six Figure Mentors is providing, could be found on the Internet for free. But, the problem is that even if you have this knowledge, without a proper step-by-step guidance, you wouldn’t know how to apply them.

Joining programs like Six Figure Mentors is necessary to get you started in my opinion, but there are better programs out there offering better curriculum and at a much lower cost.

For example, in order to join Six Figure Mentors, you have to pay a subscription fee of $29.95 and complete a survey which asked for personal questions like your monthly income, etc.

The $29.95 will NOT get you to the full system of Six Figure Mentors, it will unlock an Introductory course that explains what you will be doing in the program and how you can make money online. In contrast, this alternative program, gives you much more introductory knowledge on how to make money online for FREE.

Get your Introductory Internet Marketing Knowledge for FREE! Click here

Six Figure Mentors Application – The inside

Like I’ve mentioned above, with a $29.95 application fee, you will be able to get access to the “Module 1 – Introduction” course.

In this module, you will be introduced to the Make Money process on the Internet, the different types of advertisement, why you need a website, why you need to build a list, and why it is important to provide value to readers.

You will also be introduced to several products within the system of Six Figure Mentors, and why you should promote them. Here is a list of products within the Six Figure Mentors:

  1. SFM Digital Business System ($297 + $97/mth)
  2. SFM Elite Mastermind ($2,500)
  3. Digital Business Lounge ($37 or $67/mth)
  4. Simple Lead Capture ($29.95/mth)
  5. Graphix Creator ($99)
  6. SimpleTraxx ($9.95/mth)
  7. Digital Experts Academy – Silver ($2,500)
  8. Digital Experts Academy – Gold ($8,000)
  9. Digital Experts Academy – Platinum ($11,000)
  10. Digital Experts Academy – Black ($20,000)

Basically, in my opinion, there are not much knowledge or actionable items you can get from the Module 1 Introductory course.

You have to upgrade your membership to “Basic” in order to get “Partial” access (more discussed below) to the SFM Digital Business System with the Attraction Marketing Module. The cost of the upgrade to the “Basic” membership is $197 plus a monthly fee of $97 if you upgrade within 3 days.

The SFM Digital Business System – Getting Deep

The SFM Digital Business System consist of a total of 5 modules, 1 of which I have already gone through with you above.

Module 2 – Your Blueprint


Every step of the program, you will be hit with a road block where you “need” to complete the certain tasks in order to move forward. This is something that I feel irritated about.

In Module 2, there are basically 4 parts, and I got stuck at Part 1 because I was told that I needed to contact my SFM system consultant to get a registration link to a Live workshop. This Live workshop is where new members congregate to share their life experiences, why they want to be in SFM, and what they want to do to change their lives.

I get that it is always a good exercise for beginners to share their problems and fears, but as for an experienced internet marketer like myself, I was in hope to be spared from this step, but I realized I couldn’t.

In the 4 parts of the Module, you have to complete several trajectory worksheets which evaluates your current life (past 10 years), your circle of influence (people around you that influences your behavior), and determine the life you want in the next 12 months.

I wanted to proceed on with the other modules of SFM because I do not see the value of this Module and its exercises because I have gone through similar exercises before, though not with SFM, and I am not about to do it again.

Well, for the sake of following through, I’ve sent an email to my SFM system consultant and I did not get an immediate response, which I presume should be an automatic process. Technically, I was stuck at part 1 for a day, and roadblocks keep on coming.

An Internet Marketing Educational platform that genuinely wants to help you. Find out more!

Module 3 – System Setup

Before completing Module 2, I had to complete and submit a survey  which asked questions like:

  1. How do you plan to promote SFM/DEA?
  2. How much can you afford to pay for SFM/DEA products?
  3. How much is your monthly budget for promoting SFM/DEA?

In the first question above, I had specifically selected the option where I showed interest in promoting other products other than SFM, yet there are no separate training on the promotion of other products (maybe there is but just that I didn’t see it?).

Up until Module 3, I personally feel that I have not received any valuable information. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure that there will be at least some valuable information on the SFM modules, but it is slow to come and I am running out of patience trying to squeeze some knowledge out of SFM.

In order to move forward to Module 4, I have to schedule a Skype call with one of the SFM Business Strategist, where he will interview me to determine if I am “Suitable” to upgrade to the Elite Membership. After the Skype call, I can then get the Module code to unlock Module 4 – yet another roadblock.

Look, I have expressed interest in learning what SFM has to offer, and I am not willing to promote SFM after hitting on so many roadblocks.

What’s more, I tried to schedule a call with the SFM Business Strategist but I realize the earliest slot that is available is two weeks away (your experience might be different from mine).

To be honest, when I first joined SFM, I was excited about the program and I wanted to promote the product because of the many raved reviews I’ve read, but after personally experiencing the program first hand, I can’t recommend it because I am thoroughly disappointed in the program.

Why SFM is not suitable for Advanced Marketers?

If you have the money and the patience to wait for the slow coming modules, you can join SFM, I’ll leave the decision to you. In my opinion, if you do not intend to promote SFM, there is no point in joining.

As advanced Marketers, I am sure you will not be willing to pay thousands or ten thousands of dollars to get the knowledge right? We know that knowledge on internet marketing does not cost that much.

My Sincere Advice to You

I believe that there is some valuable information in the program, and the learning environment is good for beginners, but I personally think that the program is way over-priced. The cost of the highest membership, Digital Experts Academy Black, is equivalent to the cost of a university degree. At least I get a university degree once I complete the course, but in Six Figure Mentors, there is no guarantee of success.

The program is conditioned for you to promote Six Figure Mentors and to make money from it. It is not meant to teach you to be a true affiliate marketer. A true affiliate marketer is one who can select any business that he/she is passionate about.

I’ll be honest with you, I could have promoted SFM and make lots of money with it, given the high prices of the products and the commission level, but I chose not to because it will be unethical for me to do it.

If you are serious about making money online, but you have a budget to look out for, I would suggest that you check this program out instead. I have personally tried and tested this program and I find it beneficial to novice and advanced marketers.

If you would like to discuss more on Six Figure Mentors, please feel free to leave a comment below. If you find my article useful, please feel free to share it with your friends and family by clicking on the social media buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus).

Your pal,


My Secret to Online Sucess


  1. Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much for your review. I was about to join in March 2020 but after reading your review I won’t. I think I would have become extremely frustrated by the way they work. I’m not interested in promoting them. I want to learn online business and do normal affiliate marketing about products I’m passionate about.
    You have just saved me a lot of money and spared me the feeling of making a fool of myself by giving these people my money for not much.

    1. You are most welcome Yolande! I am glad that the review helped.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  2. Did the “Saint” just copy and paste “is fair and the value you will get stays with you all your life. You can leverage SFM and leave anytime and use their education to continue and build your own business.”, or was that just good programming?

    Thanks for your review Jack. I think it will be beneficial to anyone interested in not getting duped by slick tricksters. Personally, I find that in this era, if you are truly interested in gaining knowledge on almost any subject matter, you can do so for free by using the internet,…you may need to have some will though, because accurate information can sometimes be tedious to come by,…but it’s there.

    Happy journeys to all on your path to a better life.

  3. david blenkinship says:

    . Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek are nothing but out and out blatant thieves and scammers. These 2 gangsters would not be allowed to trade in the UK and in all probability be behind bars.
    I got caught with the devious hook of $29.95 joining fee including training. Immediately after clicking the buy button I was hit with an up sell of $997 immediately, plus $97 monthly. It took me all of 5 seconds to realise that I had been conned. The training in reality was just other sales pages listing all the other thousands of dollars they advise you spend in order to become a millionaire. Their proposition is nothing but a blatant pyramid scam. In order to make money you find people to sell the very opportunity you have just purchased. So in reality nothing is being sold.
    I am lucky as I have been refunded the $29.95 I paid out. The only reason I initially went ahead was their sales letter does say that if the proposition is not for you they will credit the purchase. But of course that is only within 30 days. And I had only spent $29.95 and applied for a refund the next day. For someone going deeper into the program the odds are that they wouldn’t find out that they had been robbed until it was too late.

  4. Hi Jack
    It’s a shame for me I didn’t come across your message before I signed up to their “essentials” membership.
    Having said that do you or any of readers know how I can effectively hold them to their 30 day money back guarantee. They don’t seem to have any prceedure of their own that I can find, not even an email address. Any help would be gratefully appreciated. Cheers.
    How does a tech dinosaur like me know if anyone has replied to this.

  5. Hi Jack, Thanks for the honest in formation about SFM. I have just spen the last week going through module1 . I did not pay the $29.9 registration fee and somehow they gave it to me free. I was expecting that by the end of the module I would have had an idea of how to start selling online but this has’nt been the case. Instead, I am being direct to now upgrade to thier basic module for $297.9 plus a monthly fees of $97. At this point, as a chrstain I ask God to direct my step and the Holy Spirit told me to find out if SFM is a scam. I google ‘ Is SFM a scam?’ and lo andbehold I got to your site. I now know I will not be upgrading.

    1. Hey Columbus,

      Thank you for your comment and I am glad that my review helped!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  6. I wouldn’t bother with Six figure mentors unless you’ve got at least £10,000 to spend on their education. I spent £3000 with them over 3 years as a basic member and they teach you nothing you couldn’t learn for free. In that time I didn’t earn a penny using the education they offer at essential. You pay $19.95 for your application, a one off fee of $129 and that’s before you’ve even started, you then pay $97 a month, for nothing more than what are for the most part outdated videos and overpriced web hosting. Once you go through their essential curriculum they immediately try and get more money from you by asking you to go elite at $2500 and if you don’t the things you learn at essential don’t earn you any money anyway. The people are nice enough but the offer wouldn’t be so enticing if they weren’t. I wouldn’t waste your time with this company. I wasted 3 years and earned nothing. Then 4 months after leaving the company they took $97 from me, overdrawing my account and when I requested a refund they claimed I hadn’t cancelled as a member and I’m still trying to get back.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your experience here D!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  7. Hi Jack,
    Good info here, but I still find it difficult to get my head around on what exactly SFM is offering to sell. Are they selling their online selling system so that you learn it then sell the same system to others as a product and repeated over and over again?

  8. gary baitson says:

    I had someone approach me with This, and I was looking thinking, why the hell would someone pay all that money to learn ONLY how to promote their own opportunity,.

    I am part of WorldVentures, the travel club. The best part of worldventures is the personal development that comes with the membership. There is so so much free content that which i would consider miles above what anything here can offer. Even our large events which only cost a few hundred bucks is so much more beneficial as it concentrates on building YOU as a person, to deal with whatever life has to offer, AND you get to visit a beautiful city and have a holiday while doing it.

    I have always thought that people join programmes like this when for less, you can get so much more benefits and better training elsewhere.

    1. Hey Gary,

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this program!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  9. Hi, I would like to find out if there is anything in the market that does not involve believe and promote Low of attraction? I’ve been with SFM for few months and I was placed Elite + just at the beginning because I believed this is a good business but after going through the Modules I found out that the founder used Low of attraction to build his business and we should do the same ( as this is his proven steps to success) and I had to quit it as this is part of New Age and this is a separate religion contrarty to Catholics and I won’t be able to follow the proven steps in order to achieve success. I don’t want to learn about something that is contrary to my faith just in the first modules and at the same time I don’t want other people to get involved in it who I would recommend to the business. I think this in not fair when they say this business is for everyone but it is not for everyone as it actually imposes to everyone who enters the business to get in contact with Low of attraction which I believe is something realy dengearous.
    So if you know something that is learning clearly only about marketing skills, please let me know.

    1. Hey Iwona,

      I would recommend that you check out Wealthy Affiliate.

      Although it does have a course that teaches you how to promote Wealthy Affiliate, it has a separate course that genuinely teaches you how to promote just about any products online.

      It’s free to join the trial to know what you are getting into, and if it is the right fit for you, you can upgrade to the premium.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  10. Thanks so much Jack for creating this thread. I like many others were wondering if SFM was legit. As I was being “enticed” or “lured”into it and onto the next level my gut was smelling a rat. Here we go again. Pyramid all over again. I soon saw how all of the “upselling” was to me and I was supposed to do that to others ? That’s just flat wrong to do and unethical. I only got to the second level ($179) to start seeing the pattern with no “value” being sold by the way. After a week of being introduced and seeing this charade I knew it was time to bail and request a refund…. Reading the other replies and input on this page gives me confirmation I am seeing correctly…. Thanks to you Jack and all of the others….

    1. You are most welcome Gary! I am glad this review helped!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  11. Vigi Pers says:

    Hola Jack, thank you for creating this website. Could you please confirm how recent your review on SFM is? because as of July 2.18, after I had done my research and thanks to your review, I mentioned it to an active SFM member about their gimmick at end of Module 2, on their 3 questions basically asking people to Promote SFM first, and SFM member replied: …..” That’s the 2014 module 2 . Modules 2-5 have been completely relaunched now to reflect the multiple paths that people go down. SFM recently partnered with Microsoft Lynda (under the LinkedIn umbrella of companies) who now offer their 6,500+ training courses for absolutely everything you can imagine relating to digital/online as part of the SFM curriculum. SFM’s also partnered with DigitalMarketer – the world’s longest standing and most well known B2B and B2C digital marketing training and education company. DM now offer their training as part of SFM’s Marketing Mastery curriculum, all of which has absolutely nothing to do with promoting SFM. It’s all to do with building and scaling businesses in any market using digital skills, automation and leverage. I’m about to launch my 3rd company in the next 3 months using the skills I’ve learnt through SFM, and that targets B2B businesses (which has nothing to do with promoting SFM at all). Times are changing mate, the reviews you’ve read were written ages ago and don’t apply to anything current “….
    Mr. Cao, could you please reply with your observation to ensure my investment decision on SFM training is the correct one.
    Thank you in advance for your help

    1. Hi Vigi,

      Thanks for your comment and I think it is time I update this review.

      I do get that SFM partnered with Digital Marketer, because they do not have that knowledge to push through anything outside of promoting itself.

      I know Digital Marketer thorough because I am a Elite member myself.

      And, I didn’t spend thousands of dollars just to get that knowledge.

      I know Microsoft Lynda as well and they do provide quality training.

      Think about it, if SFM is so great, why do they need to partner with other providers? Plus they charge you for it.

      Why not just go directly to Digital Marketer or Lynda? Food for thought.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

      1. Sandra Lemming says:

        Hi Jack & Vigi,

        Yes back in March /April the SFM started to launch it’s new updated members area with all new and updated current training. They had already done a deal prior back in 2017 with Digital Marketer for their members to do the Certification Course of DM because up until then the SFM was unable to follow through on the vision of offering certificate training to their members.

        They also as a company pay the fee to Lynda.com which all paid members have access to for courses on anything from marketing to how to use your iphone, ( included in your $97 a month membership )

        The company since the GDPR is making a move away from promoting themselves as a make money online opportunity to a learn how to market and build digital business online.

        The training modules have changed and no longer trap members into only promoting the SFM and do now make available training on how to build a digital business.

        However in saying this they still do have the affiliate side of the business and still have the class mentality of where they praise those who pay the upgrade prices especially those who pay the $30,000+ up to BLACK. The culture is full of it’s clicky little groups where I am a BLACK member you are just a basic member why are you talking to me.

        Yes there still are a lot of members who invested in themselves all the way to BLACK who refuse to help the people they sign up unless they to make the huge investment in themselves.

        The negative I am better then you culture can and does have a very crippling effect on new members who really do not have the means to upgrade and the culture can make them feel like they are not good enough so I have seen many people use their retirement funds, access their super and even get bank loans to upgrade because they felt they had to in order to get the help and feel apart of a community.

        The other change they made was to their DBL (Digital Business Lounge) platform which as a member was free and you could host as many websites on there and access other tools for free but with the new members area update the DBL was updated and now you have to pay a monthly fee to host your websites and access a lot of the tools on there and I can tell you it is not cheap.

        The plans start at $59 a month and there is also some deception around the way they sell you the monthly plans as well so be careful with that. For full understanding of the extra’s you will need to pay after your $97 a month to the SFM you can see the DBL here – https://digitalbusinesslounge.com/plans

        In all after saying this you would be better off doing the free certification digital marketing programs with Google – learndigital.withgoogle.com/digitalgarage-au.

        Bing Ads has their own Free Certification Training, YouTube has their own Free YouTube training Academy, Facebook has their Free Certification Training and their are many more really great current up to date free training programs out there that can help you learn marketing.

        You just need to first be clear with yourself exactly what it is you want to accomplish online.

        I hope this information helps you Jack to update your review and helps you to Vigi

        1. Thank you so much for this comprehensive write up Sandra! This does give me good insights on the new Six Figure Mentors.

          Seems to me that they are moving away from their core business. After all, their previous business model looks exactly like MOBE and Digital Altitude which were caught as a pyramid scheme by the FTC.

          I think the reason for their change could be related to the recent MOBE and DA scandal. But this is just my opinion.

          Thanks once again Sandra!

          ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

          1. Rob Newman says:

            Hi just joined sfm . Had some difficult times. Not returning my emails , watching some guy for 3 hours preaching how good he is at reading people only at the end does he speak about making money, with no promises . Then being accused of saying things l had not. Its a bit of a cult l feel quite false. If anyone recommends a good affiliate and e-commerce trainer would appreciate the support. Just about to cancel my subscription

          2. Hey Rob,

            Thank you for your comment!

            Sorry you have to experience this. I didn’t know that SFM has turned into this.

            If its possible could you share screenshots of the conversation where you were accused, this will help inform others as well.

            Also, if you’d like to learn affiliate marketing, you can check this out.

            Looking forward to your reply.

            ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  12. Ran across this company (SFM) a few weeks ago. Have looked at the first 4 videos and liked what I saw but before paying the initial fee of aprox. $30.00 I decided to do some research because I knew from experience that there would be more, and I wanted to have an idea of how much more and would there be value for my investment. Bottom line based on your review SFM really is a Network Marketing Co. Thanks for the info Jack. I will continue my search for a legit opportunity
    to learn how to be a affiliate marketer online and make money.

    1. You are most welcome! In fact, if you interest is on Affiliate marketing, I know just the right program for you.

      You can click here to check it out.

      Hope this will help end your search.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  13. Hi Jack,
    Thanks a million for saving me $29.95.
    I see it is promoted by “The Lifestyle Team”.
    Are all the links & promotions a SCAM situation as well??
    Please advise me as I am in process of losing my business due to circumstances here in South Africa. (yes I live in South Africa.).
    I need anything to do online (Free if possible) as I lack funds right now. (& that’s a long story!!!)

    1. Hi Ian,

      I think I didn’t mentioned that SFM is a scam. They are legit, but there are a lot of roadblocks and are super expensive.

      If you are looking for something “Free”, you’ll probably get a ton of scams, low quality products or you’ll get overwhelmed and do not know where to start.

      The best place I know to start an online business without spending a fortune is this program.

      I hope this helps.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  14. Jack’s comments about the road blocks are vital – I encountered the same things, and it forces you to attend webinars that reveal information that pretty much transfers the accountability of your decision to join the SFM from them to you, thus leaving you no leverage once you finally realize that it’s a ridiculously overpriced joke. Jack also mentions that he wasn’t willing to promote the SFM once he realized that their product wasn’t worth it. This is the other key dilemma that all SFM affiliates must face, and any decent person would make the same decision as Jack. So in other words, only the Scumbags can win as Affiliate marketers for the SFM. It’s the deception and manipulation of the SFM to put all of their recruits in front of this no-win dilemma that would lead me to take it a step further and proclaim the SFM as an absolute Scam – as I have done in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnKiSZ6n23g

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts James!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  15. thank you Jack. i did pay the 29.95 fee. Having no knowledge of making money online but drawn in by the idea of freedom and making money. I have seen the constant attempts to get me to upgrade. i never was going to and im glad i read this article before i really started to take this serious.

    1. I’m glad this review helped Paul!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  16. Hi Jack,
    Thank you so much for your honesty review of SFM. I did not buy in to it but was interested in the opportunity. Your frank review has saved me money, disappointment and frustration to be sure.

    Thanks again,


    1. I am Glad that my review helped.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  17. Hi Jack,

    I’ve been looking into SFM as a complete novice. It seems ok, but i’ve not yet filled the application form.
    Can I ask, for a novice like me, someone who has no marketing experience, and would need most of the platforms, what it would cost? I assume that the $97 p/m membership doesn’t allow you free access to the website building system and tracking system, etc.

    1. You’ll probably spend more than $10k if you follow the exact instructions of SFM. I am quite sure about that.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  18. catherine Packard says:

    Hi Jack, I’m in Perth,WA and my friend is about to introduce me to SFM, I sincerely appreciate your review and Im not a sessioned marketer like yourself but enjoyed reading your review.

    What online company would you recommend?


    1. Hi Catherine,

      If you are interested to learn online marketing without paying thousands for it, you can check this review on Wealthy Affiliate.

      I am sure you can learn a thing or two even without paying a single cent with Wealthy Affiliate.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  19. Another hard to find ‘Honest review” on SFM, I have watched the videos and it does have an appealing relaxed and informative feel to it, I googled for bad reviews and cannot seem to find much, in fact from what I have worked out all the bad reviews like this one all have something in common, the link to WA, if I click on it you and the other WA promoting sites get paid!!
    Is that not somehow worse I wonder, seems there is no such thing as an Honest review in this affiliate business, in essence if i click on your link ill be lining your pockets instead of SFM.
    I sincerely hope you post this!

    1. Thank you for your comment Jonny! Much appreciated, and of course I will post this.

      How do you classify an honest review? If I recommend someone to another program because I didn’t like this one, does that kills the title of “an honest review” even though everything single thing that I’ve written are all facts?

      Here’s what I see, I’ve purchased the SFM program, went through it in length, and if it is a program that I can vouch for, of course I’ll promote it. But, unfortunately, it didn’t worked out for me.

      So many people I’ve talked to who have been on the inside of SFM has told me that they’ve experienced the same thing as I.

      So, if you really like SFM try it yourself, nobody is stopping you. I think I have done my job of informing, and I recommend people who are looking for an alternative (an alternative that hundreds have thanked me for), and I don’t see any fault on that.

      An honest review comes from a person who have experienced the program, and talks about the true experience with it, and not one who is on the fence slandering the company.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

    2. Jonny
      I was thinking exactly the same as you, when I read your post I was relieved that it wasn’t just me that had found the same.

      My own experience of SFM has been all positive. I am still at Essential level $97 a month and it does give access to websites, advertising links, sales funnels etc.

      I have found the info valuable; the team to be honest; helpful.

      Yes they likely want me to upgrade but I in no way feel pressured to do so.

      I appreciate Jack that your review is based on your own experience and it is an honest review.

      I wish you and everyone here all the best whichever option they choose.

  20. Hi; i am currently in the process of joining SFM and have completed Module 2 part 1 and 2 and i disagree with the comments about Stuart Ross being a thief and fraudster; i find him to be totally honest with inetegrity and authenticity. The same with Jay. The thing with th e program is it focuses on making sure that you have the right mind-set to achieve with system or program and what you will do with your potentially new found life-style and the amount of time that you will hopefully have spare. They want to know that you’re the kind of person that is willing and wanting to help and educate others who haven’t discovered this new way of life; this is the purpose of these early modules and worksheets, they deliberately make you feel out of your comfort zone to see if you really want this “digital life” enough to stick it out; they want to determine what sort of character you are.
    This is also done to make you examine where you have been and what you’ve done up to this point in time to make you think that this is what you want…really want!!
    It’s then all about the “community” and reaching out and asking for help and also contributing to it. It’s also about personal development and education and becoming a better version of you; it’s not just a program to earn money, it’s about creating a better life for yourself and others.
    Personally, thus far, i keep telling myself to keep going and it’ll be worth it in the end, but i do find all this intrusive and unnecessary. All i want is to learn the skills of marketing, that’s all i really want; i don’t feel that i want to be the new Jesus and spread all this love and good will to all mankind, i just want to learn how to earn a decent living with my laptop so that i don’t have to get another crap job and so that io can live life on my terms and where ever i happen to be with an internet connection. At the time of writing this i have got my “code” to proceed to the next Orientation meeting with Stuart and Jay on 30/01/18; not sure if i’ll last!!

    1. Thanks for sharing this.

      I hope to hear from you soon regarding your progress with SFM, and please let us know how much you have “invested”.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

      1. Hi jack, I can understand your point of view on the SFM review, what people need to know is that not everybody will have the large sum of money SFM would require from the start to finish of the program.

        As for the roadblock you highlighted basically is because people like you already have vast or basic knowledge on digital marketing so that way you will consider every delay as disappointment.

  21. Hello All,

    Please do not waste any time or money in this silly company called SFM.

    It is not the wise idea to invest such a big amount in this business to promote their products. Middle class people are getting trapped here. I feel very bad when people take big loans for getting these expensive membership.

    I upgraded my membership to Elite+ opting for 4 instalments of $650. After paying my first instalment I got a feeling that if I don’t intend to promote their products, I don’t need to pay such big amount. I requested to cancel my Elite+ membership and give me refund but they stopped responding even after many follow ups.

    It is perfectly a lose lose scenario for the new people like me.

    My eyes are opened after losing around $1000.

    Hope you will be cautious and do not lose your hard earned money.

    Thank you.


    1. Hi AMOL,

      Thank you for sharing your insights on Six Figure Mentors!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  22. Hi Jack. Was about submitting my application to SFM but I decided to do a Google search for additional information about them before stumbling on you post. Wow!! I did no see this coming especially the huge additional charges. Please how can I get good cost effective mentorship to start an online business. I have a burning desire for this. I am currently a sales manager in the oil and gas industry. I’m in my late forties and my desire is to grow an online business around alternative energy products and also energy saving products. Yes starting point will be affiliate marketing and then scale up afterwards..hope to hear from you soon.

  23. Thank you Jack Cao & also Cam for your enlightening synopses of SFM…. I was almost sucked in by all the build up hype.
    I have been a victim of scams in the past, & would love to be shown an honest online opening. I have a health background being a nurse.
    So looking for a change now. I will cneck out your leads.
    Grateful thanks

    1. Hi Marg,

      Thank you for your comment!

      If you have a Medical background, and you want to build an online business surrounding it, I would suggest that you check out this program.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  24. Bill Wymarra says:

    thanks jack,great article.I have been looking at this SFM fo a couple weeks now but will now pass.

    1. You are most welcome Bill! Glad this article helped.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  25. Tunde Kingsley says:

    Hi Jack , I’ve just read your review and found the same road blocks extremely irritating. I wonder if there are similar online affiliate market courses without the annoying price and long time spent on videos. Thanks

  26. Leonore Diemand says:

    I had ecactly the same experience!
    I am not willing to fill out the form to complete module 3 !
    The whole protam is mostly advertisement and I get the dame repeated e mails( 2015!) repestedly.
    I will try to get my money back.
    In the beginning I made clear I want to promote my own products under my label.II did not find interesting. modules yet.scammy!!?

  27. When i looked at the free two modules i thought scam and Googled you up….thank you so much for your info….shows you have to go with your instinct …

  28. Jason Chagoya says:

    Six figure mentors. I really thought it was a great program. I was getting ready to pay. However, I had to pay 297.00 before I could pay the $97.00. You bursted my bubble.Yet I will save my money. I leases a computer, and paid for WiFi. Now I am at a road block. What type of legit program would you suggest. Okay I spent 5 hours studying module one. I was all in. Thank You

    1. Hey Jason,

      You could check out Wealthy Affiliate.

      It is the program that has taught thousands of individuals succeed online (including me).

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  29. Hi Jack,

    Is Wealthy Affiliate good?
    I want to begin an online bussiness, is this the best for me?
    I’m new about this

    1. In my opinion, Wealthy Affiliate does provide the best support and training.

      It is why thousands of people quit their job to focus on their online business.

      If you are serious about being successful online, there’s no harm in checking out Wealthy Affiliate.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  30. Thanks for sharing your experience, it was precious for me.
    I have been following SFM, watching their videos trying to understand it in order to decide to join sfm or not. I don’t think is a scam but their prices always worried me cause they are too expensive, at least for my budget, and in any video I saw they never spoke about that upgrade membership so thank you ever so much for saving time and money investing in some that would be give for sure big headaches.

  31. The Six Figure Mentors is a pass-the-parcel pyramid scheme where people have to pay for the priveledge of selling SFM membership to new people and earn a commission. Youtube is full of testimonial videos from members who are trying to get you to click on their links below the video so that they can make money out of you and offload their invesment in the system. There is some reasonably good training behind the scenes, but also a lot of hot air and smoke and mirrors type stuff. It’s basically a club where you are trained to sell membership of the club on the internet.

    Stear well clear. Caveat emptor!

  32. Hello.
    This is very weird because they sent me a free site and I am currently watching module 1 but what I don’t understand is how will I make money because I don’t want to be paying any amount of money if indeed I checked in to make money.

  33. Gordon Barnard says:

    Hello Jack, Gordon Barnard here from South Africa. Stuart comes across real promising on the FACEBOOK ad he is distributing. I joined the SFM program not for the promise of making million & million of dollars, but more to get the step by step introduction into the new world of digital marketing. It is for this reason that I joined up to the Essential membership level only, I have no intention of venturing any further up their ladder. Also, with the current exchange rate ZAR to USD, it’s a fortune for us. The Elite + upgrade would be a few months wages for me. I am approaching the end of module 3, let see what module 4 & 5 reveal. Great post, thanks, i’m sure we will chat again, cheers mate.

    1. Great Gordon! Looking forward to your update.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  34. I am glad I found your site. I have just paid $297 ($391 AUD) plus $100/month membership. And just about to upgrade to Elite for $2300!! I like the guys And their principles but I am not working and simply cannot afford to fork out that sort of money. I hope I can get a refund.

  35. thank you i just try to get that course i said to my self lets look google search so i end up with your advise ,, you save me time and money.

    i would like to thank you .for your honesty.

    1. You are most welcome. I’m Glad this review helped.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  36. Thanks for posting this information Jack.
    I am less than a novice at internet affiliate marketing so your referrals to other experienced people is helpful.
    I’m working my way through the SFM modules and I’m currently scoping and performing a due diligence exercise.
    The feedback you have received is eye raising.



  37. Thanks for the article! It would be nice to know the date! I can not see it anywhere!

    This all is good information! I know nothing about internet marketing and I ‘m just figuring out the possibilities. SFM are on my list now.

    When you’re a professional, of course your perspective is different from non- professionals.

    One thing is sure:I’ll take care that I get my information I need in a proper prize. The prize I pay for information in this field might be higher than for you and other marketing soecialists – you know this stuff already! I know nothing! If someone has collected the basic information in a compaund form and sells it – it is simply business. As long as people buy, it is working.

    Collecting e-mails, giving “free” information and “gifts” is everywhere nowadays. It is the way to get people hooked – as you know!

    First of all, even I knew, from the beginning, that there is nothing “free”. I look what they can offer, I take what I can and look also other possibilities. What I know for sure is, that it is only me who saves and creates my life, no-one else.

    When you go to the University, there is no quarantee that you get a job according to your education! It depends on you and some other things, luke politics!

    And what kind of rubbish people sell! Have you seen the amount of “healing retrites” etc? Can you imagine, that some Tarot-readers can charge 2€/minute on the phone? One “healer” arranged a weekend course here in Berlin and it costed 1400€/person! (I did not join, I just saw the advertisement) And what they were doing in the course? Drumming African drums etc. and played in the circle something “healing”! As well you can take a walk in the neares park, for free!

    You can sell whatever crap and people buy when they’re in need.

    I noticed, that people like me because I lissten. I live in Germany and don’t speak German fluently yet. People here seem to love me! They lve me because I lissten to them – I try to pick every word they say- and do not speak myself, because my vocabulary is weak. I was thinking, that this is a wonderful opprtunity for me to establish a business “Hörende Öhren” =” Listening ears”. People can come to tell me about their problems, complain about everything: I just say, looking compassionate: “Yes, how awful! Really! Terrible indeed!” All their secrets will remain secret, because I do not understand them in any ways – I charge 120 €/hour and they are happy that finally, finally someone listened to what they wanted to say!

    From this point, SFM is not more scam than anything else in this world.

    Their target seem to be people who know nothing about digital marketing.

    I have got lots of information I did not know before, from the free videos I got from them.

    I am an arvhitect for my occupation. Any kind of marketing is a very unknown field among us.

    When I read your article I compare it with the arcitects, who critizise other architects.

    For me, meaningful are the evaluations of people who are not professionals, to whom that service is meant for.

    I got them here, too!

  38. Thanks for the review Jack….I was just going to get on to the next level after the $29.95 stage when I got onto your review.

    Yeah I faced the same issue I could not get to the next Module to learn to start making money .

    Anyway I am putting a stop on that now.


  39. WOW! Wish I would’ve looked this up yesterday before I bought the guaranteed-100%-money-back-with-dissatisfaction course. I am a newbie so I know I will learn something. Since I spent the money already I’m going to get something out of it. I am desperate and flat broke. I think I would do well if I believe in the product but I have to learn so much before I can get to that. I won’t lose thousands of dollars because I simply don’t have it to lose. I used the last of my money on a credit card to pay for entry which I thought was free until I was already hooked and thinking that this was my way to change my life and make a living. Guess we’ll see what happens…

  40. Hi, i’ve just paid the $29.99 fee, done all the module 1, and the bonus course video’s making extensive notes. I’m about to pay the basic course fee i think.
    I see a great value attached to their platform, with all the tools ready available to use. is that surely not worth the price alone? (or the staggered way they role the modules, takes it too long)
    2. Can you affiliate market other companies, business & services, and product just using the platform once signed up. (or as you article suggests, you just promote SFM once within, NOTHING ELSE???)

    1. Hi Curtis,

      SFM members will normally only promote SFM to recover their huge investment into SFM.

      However, to put you into perspective, Affiliate Marketing is all about promoting any kind of products online. What you learn in SFM will allow you to promote any kind of products, but it just doesn’t make sense to promote other products other than SFM because it could take years to recuperate the investment into SFM if you are promoting low ticket products. It make sense to promote SFM because it is a high ticket product and you can recuperate your investment a lot faster.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  41. Karen Wharton says:

    Thank you for your opinion on this however can you provide your readers with a program that you recommend more for advanced network marketers?

  42. Jacqui Medway says:


    You may well have just saved me £1000’s although in all fairness to SFM as a complete beginner my initial $29.95 ‘investment’ has been worth it.

    It gave me access to Module 1 Training & as a bonus Module 2 (although unsure if this is the full module) so from a complete novices perspective I’ve learnt quite a bit…

    However when it then came to investing a further $297 + $97 /mth just to continue at that level & seeing the various other $ levels it needed more consideration.

    Luckily I didn’t have the money to just act on impulse as I can do (recently got scammed with ‘Market Traders’) but I was considering pursuing it as I will have money to invest in the near future.

    I’m so glad I read you review & will look at the links you’ve shared.

    Kind Regards & Happy New Year


    1. Hi Jacqui,

      Glad to be able to help!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  43. ade harris says:

    Hi jack , thanks for that I just paid the 29.95 and printed out his 40 page page list building file , but im dammed if im paying any more , I was a member of W.A I still get emails now saying, so n so is now following you , think ill resubscribe an carry on with training , youve done well jack good luck an best for the future .

  44. Brilliant and honest post Jack. I know its a while since you posted this but I was keen to learn more about this other Affiliate program as I too am already disallusioned by SFM. I did register for the 1st part, not knowing of course of the mountains of other roadblocks and purchases ahead.

    As per my reply to Cam on this forum, I have a bunch of great products that i just havent done anything of significance to generate a really great income online…

    It would be great to know more.


  45. Well done Jack. Having spent (wasted) thousands of dollars at the SFM I agree with your assessment.

    Sure, i got a good ‘newbies’ education in internet marketing, but it cost me a fortune. The further up the product line you go, the more their products are just hot air -big in hope, hype and emotion, little in substance other than the ability to on-sell that same product to others at high commissions.

    Their adroit manipulation of the desires of people to live a life of passive income and run their own business is a lesson in marketing in itself, but like most cookie-cutter network marketing programs only <1% ever get any results, profiting from the 99% who fork out for their hopes and desires and wind up with nothing.

    I now own a seven figure online business and to be honest i haven't figured out if my success is thanks to, or in spite of, my 12 months failing at SFM. Maybe it's a human thing to always seek the easy road to riches and deceive ourselves into buying into questionable schemes like this, maybe we need to fail at the easy road before we take the hard road and seek honesty, integrity and education instead.

    The failure certainly helped with my humility. I'll never judge another scam victim again, that's for sure. I can also discern a similar scam or dodgy marketer a mile away.

    Steer clear and follow honest marketers of substance like Perry Marshall would be my advice.

    1. Hey Cam, good to connect with you. Great post. i know its a while back since you wrote it but I would love to learn some more from your success….I have been sitting on a ton of prospective affiliate products in my fields of passion – health & healing, sports & fitness (among some other fields)….I am also launching a really cool Online Sports Booking Platform including a Sports Pitch(field) booking app that makes it so much easier to find and book a sports pitch…

      I have been looking for a way of bringing all my products and knowledge on one place. I purchased my own name domain and plan to promote the products via this site….

      I have had a really bad few years on a personal front but now I really want to make lots of money online from all these great products…I would love to see if your experiences could help me.

      My skype is ‘streetsoccerireland’ and email is [email protected]

      I understand your probably too busy, which is of course cool.


  46. Margarite says:

    Thank you so much Jack. As I read your article I couldn’t help but feel the sincerity and integrity in your blog. You just saved me $29.95. You never know what is behind these layers so thanks again for the thumbs up.

    1. You are most welcome! Glad I could help!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  47. Alan Young says:

    HI Jack

    Did you ever get to do module for of SFM?
    If you did what did it cover?
    Was it necessary to upgrade to Elite to really be able to work the system?

    1. I didn’t get to that point because I was turned off by the roadblocks. It didn’t provide me with any value in the starter modules. I even emailed them to unlock more modules for me, but was rejected. It is just not geared for advanced marketers.

  48. Thank you, Jack Cao, for an excellent and frank review. You just saved me $29.95 and perhaps thousands of dollars more. The guy gave no clue in his video that there were increasing costs. I will check out the links to a program that you recommend.

  49. The company is a scam. ROSS is a thief and fraudster. I got stung for $2995 last month.

    1. Saint Emmalex says:

      If you say $226 ($29+$197 ) for a one time registration and $97 monthly for web hosting, training, webinars and coaching is too much for someone who want to become financially independent or start and grow an online business then you got a problem.
      There is nothing good that comes without a price, the prize is fair and the value you will get stays with you all your life. You can leverage SFM and leave anytime and use their education to continue and build your own business.
      Nothing good comes without a price, SFM fee is fair and the value you will get stays with you all your life. You can leverage SFM and leave anytime and use their education to continue and build your own business.

      SFM has both training and affiliate program just like most businesses in this modern age. You can decide if you want to be an Affiliate for them or start your business or do both.
      SFM does not force you or tell what you must do, they advise you on how to build a sustainable business and such a business is best and sustainable if you build it based on your passion. I guess Bill Gates and Steve Jobs can tell you more about business on passion.
      – Free 7-day video series before you register
      – 5 modules training you on how to start a business from scratch which includes picking a niches, how to market to a targeted audience, list building , website building , how to market on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, blogging etc,
      – A Facebook community where you can ask your questions and get answers from any member or experts
      – A support team that is available 24/7
      – Weekly training webinars
      – Personal coaching.
      You can constatct SFM co-fouders and other expert through many ways; Remember a Co-founder does not mean he is the best expert, members who have succeeded can be of help more than the co-founder. Are you telling me to succeed in software business today you must contact Bill Gates? Definitely no, but you can talk to his support technical team.
      – Weekly and daily Online webinars.
      – Facebook groups
      – one on one coaching with your personal consultant assigned to you when you join.
      – A 24/7 support team that responds to you within 24hrs
      The payment to SFM is for the webhosting, trainings and webinars not for Affiliate marketing.
      Remember, SFM is not primarily a money-making system but more of a training and empowering system. So, you can get the training, get out and apply the skills learned.

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