
Is NeoLife A Scam? – The downright truth about this opportunity!

The fact that you arrived on this page could only mean a few things.

Firstly, you may have heard about NeoLife, and now you wanted to learn more information before you become a member of the company.

Secondly, it could be that you are already a NeoLife member trying to search for new resources in order to market your products/do your business more effectively.

Whatever your reasons are, you have come to the right place as I am going to share with you with all the information you need in this NeoLife review.

Review Summary

Founder: Jerry Brassfield

What is it: A ​Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Company in the Health and Wellness Industry

Price: Free Trial + Optional $17/$97/$147 (one-time) + $59/yearly renewal

Recommended? If you are comfortable with the sales environment. If not, you may want to check this out instead.

NeoLife Review - Is it a scam

Income Opportunity Rating:

Introducing NeoLife

“Experience the benefits of superior nutrition to Be Your Best!”

The above statement is printed in bold at NeoLife’s “Club Membership” page, which would have probably already given you an idea as to what type of company NeoLife is.

Yes! You guessed it right.

This company promotes nutritional food supplements to help an individual when it comes to matters of weight management, digestive health, immune, cardiovascular and other health areas.

NeoLife is a Multi-Level Marketing company based in California, United States.

The company was founded by Jerry Brassfield and was previously a part of a larger company known as Golden Neolife Diamite International (GNLD International) way back in 1958.

The Founder

Jerry was born on April 9, 1940, in Porterville, California.

His family was of humble beginnings, a lower-middle-class family that is no stranger to financial hardships.

But this didn’t stop Jerry to dream of a better future for him and his family.

<img alt=”NeoLife Review – Jerry Brassfield” width=’300′ height=’200′ title=”NeoLife Review – Jerry Brassfield” data-id=’12251′ src=’https://barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NeoLife-Review-Jerry-Brassfield.jpg’ style=”width: 100%;”>NeoLife Review - Jerry Brassfield

At the age of 19, the Brassfield kid stumbled upon direct selling, and the rest is, as they say, history.

In 2013, GNLD International decided to rebrand and shortened their name to just NeoLife.

On the company’s About Us page, they declared that the NeoLife stuck around and officially became the company’s name because its roots mean “new life.”

I am no Mathematician but using a rough estimate, NeoLife has been in this industry for 61 years!

The company has been accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) since 1969 and currently has an A+ rating.

I am pretty sure that by just looking at this facts, you can pretty much answer the million dollar question that brought you to this page.

So, Is NeoLife a Scam?

No chap, it is definitely not.

And the fact that this company survived the MLM industry for more than 60 years is your rock solid proof that NeoLife had some really good things going.

Could it be their products?

NeoLife Products

In 1958, NeoLife started with a product that they called Formula IV, “the first whole food nutritional supplement based on delivering Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates, whole grain ‘Lipids and Sterols’ to support optimal cellular nutrition,” as to how they described it.

<img alt=”NeoLife Products Review” width=’800′ height=’320′ title=”NeoLife Products Review” data-id=’12266′ src=’https://barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NeoLife-Products-Review.jpg’ style=”width: 100%;”>NeoLife Products Review

They also claim that each of their products today is “based on the finest whole food, human food chain ingredients and proven effective by millions of satisfied customers.”

NeoLife also added that these products are backed by extensive research data by the Scientific Advisory Board established in 1976.

That’s very impressive, right?

Let’s take a look at some of NeoLife’s “best selling” products and their intended usage.

  1. 3-Day Detox:
    • For weight management program
    • Remove toxins from the body
    • Promotes healthy gut
    • Slow Premature Aging
    • Increase Energy
  2. NeoLife Shake (“clinically proven” to):
    • Cardiovascular protection
    • Lowers BMI
    • Reduce body fat
    • Help with weight loss
  3. NeoLife Bar:
    • Enhanced energy
    • Minimize fat storage and promote fat burning
    • Rich with antioxidants
  4. Acidophilus Plus:
    • Supports immunity
    • Regulates intestinal activity
    • Promotes colon health
  5. Tre-en-en® Grain Concentrates:
    • Energizes the entire body
    • Promotes efficient nutrient utilization
    • Provide cellular nutrition for energy and vitality

These are only 5 of NeoLife’s best selling products, and they have A LOT more.

Each product has a specific purpose for the betterment of one’s health, and I actually like the fact that they are sticking to their company slogan on their Club Membership page. You can see more of their products in their Official NeoLife Website.

NeoLife Customer Reviews

Pardon me for pitching some wild questions out of nowhere, but as I have stated above, you landed on this page by no accident.

If you are considering to be a distributor for NeoLife, it is crucial that you test the effectiveness of these products yourself first.​

Being 100% positive that these products really work is one of the most vital requirement so you can effectively promote them to other people.

Otherwise, you would just be relying on other people’s words and in the world of business today, you can never be sure whom to trust.

 Here are a few customer reviews for NeoLife products that I thought you would be interested in.

<img alt=”NeoLife Product Testimony 1″ width=’800′ height=’568′ title=”NeoLife Product Testimony 1″ data-id=’12240′ src=’https://barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NeoLife-Product-Testimony-1.jpg’ style=”width: 100%;”>NeoLife Product Testimony 1<img alt=”NeoLife Product Testimony 2″ width=’800′ height=’651′ title=”NeoLife Product Testimony 2″ data-id=’12241′ src=’https://barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NeoLife-Product-Testimony-2.jpg’ style=”width: 100%;”>NeoLife Product Testimony 2<img alt=”NeoLife Product Testimony 3″ width=’800′ height=’403′ title=”NeoLife Product Testimony 3″ data-id=’12242′ src=’https://barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NeoLife-Product-Testimony-3.jpg’ style=”width: 100%;”>NeoLife Product Testimony 3<img alt=”NeoLife Product Testimony 4″ width=’800′ height=’243′ title=”NeoLife Product Testimony 4″ data-id=’12243′ src=’https://barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NeoLife-Product-Testimony-4.jpg’ style=”width: 100%;”>NeoLife Product Testimony 4<img alt=”NeoLife Product Testimony 5″ width=’800′ height=’236′ title=”NeoLife Product Testimony 5″ data-id=’12244′ src=’https://barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NeoLife-Product-Testimony-5.jpg’ style=”width: 100%;”>NeoLife Product Testimony 5<img alt=”NeoLife Product Testimony 6″ width=’800′ height=’166′ title=”NeoLife Product Testimony 6″ data-id=’12245′ src=’https://barenakedscam.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NeoLife-Product-Testimony-6.jpg’ style=”width: 100%;”>NeoLife Product Testimony 6

As you can see, some of NeoLife product users are complaining about their experience upon using their products…

Some just do not like them while others would rate these products 6/5 stars.

Which is true? Which isn’t?


Unfortunately, no matter how good a product is, it will never be for everyone.

In fact, nothing in this world is.

Not everyone will benefit from the NeoLife products, or from the products of other MLM companies in that matter.

A product (especially a food supplement) will be both effective and ineffective depending on the person that uses it.


A positive personal experience towards a certain company product such as NeoLife’s is one of the major deciding factors on whether you should join or not.

If this task is not up to your alley, then I highly recommend that you take a look at this program instead.

In addition to the above facts, there are more factors you should consider before deciding to become a NeoLife distributor.

These factors are among the main reasons why 95% of distributors fail in the MLM industry.

And that’s what exactly what we are going to discuss next.

Why is there a 95% Failure Rate in the Multi-Level Marketing Industry?

NeoLife is one of the few MLM companies that has been tested by time.

However, having that longevity is not an exact telltale of whether this company will bring you success.

If it is as simple as that, then thousands and even millions of people would have already achieved financial independence thru NeoLife.

But that isn’t the case.

As much as any MLM company will try to butter things up, the statistic all across the world suggest that you will only have a meager 5% chance to succeed on any MLM company, including NeoLife.

As I have told you before in one of my blogs about How to Succeed in Network Marketing Fast…

I am also a network marketer and getting into the level of success I have attained now is not easy.

Other than the number of factors and obstacles that you must overcome (I will discuss more of this in a bit), you will also need the necessary training to succeed in the network marketing industry, just like I did.

Below are some of the most common obstacles that might prevent you from succeeding with NeoLife.

Lack of Leads

Any form of business needs an almost never-ending source of leads to prosper. In the case of MLM companies such as NeoLife, prospects.

Sure at the start, you can start promoting the NeoLife products and business opportunity to the immediate people around you such as your family and friends.

But based not only on my personal experience but including that of the millions and millions of network marketers around the globe…

You would be lucky if one of your family members or two of your friends would join your business.

Eventually, you will run out of people to talk to, or worse, people would stay away from you.

For NeoLife to work, you need to have people and grow your team to get a bigger share of the pie.

I learned this truth the hard way.

To the point that I am about to quit my network marketing business, but if it wasn’t for this strategy I wouldn’t have been able to get to where I am today.

Having the Wrong kind of Mentality

Let’s all keep it real here guys, the fact that you want to join NeoLife is probably influenced (just a little) by the fact that you are promised to earn huge amount of money with less effort.

Don’t get me wrong, the Law of Leverage is legit, but its effectiveness comes with the proper mindset.

There is no such thing as easy money. I bet even bank robbers won’t call their job easy.

You need to put out a serious amount of time, hard work, perseverance, and patience for NeoLife to work; and it takes a steep learning curve to master a specific set of skills to be able to earn a decent amount in this industry.

Lack of Proper Training and Coaching

As I have mentioned above, success on MLM industry requires not only an honest grind but also specific skills.

Sad to say, many aspiring distributors today waddles into the battlefield of selling and recruiting without the proper training.

Not to mention most of them are blindfolded with the hypes from a few mischievous sponsors and coaches. It’s heartbreaking!

Flawed Company Compensation Plan

In my many years in this industry, I have witnessed countless good and legit MLM companies that offer innovative products and amazing opportunities to other people crumble and fall within their first years because of their flawed compensation plans.

Whether those companies overpaid/underpaid their distributors or run controversial compensation plans…

These kinds of MLM companies are the ones you absolutely must keep an eye on.

You wouldn’t want to put all your eggs in one basket, which is NeoLife for example, only to learn later on that this is a pyramiding scheme.

I for once experienced how hard and disheartening that can be.

To put all your hope and dreams in a company that turns out to be a complete dud.

So to address the elephant in the room…

Is NeoLife a Pyramid Scheme?

In layman’s term, a pyramid scheme (pyramiding) is a business model that prospers by promising EARLY members an agreed amount or payments by recruiting new members.

The new members pay a certain registration fee, and that fee goes towards paying the older members.

The more people get recruited, the more money flows to pockets of the people at the top and to the earlier members.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also established a clear difference between an MLM and a pyramid scheme.

In an MLM company, you make money based on how much product you sell to the public.

With a pyramid scheme, the money you make is dependent on how many people you sign up.

The main focus and selling point of any company involved in a pyramiding scheme is the RECRUITMENT.

However, when you look closely at NeoLife, you will find that they actually have products (a lot of them as I have mentioned above) and these products actually have retail values.

Although the retail prices of their products are not shown publicly on their website, doing personal research about these products will actually land you on legit sites that display their retail prices such as this 2015 NeoLife Product Price List.

As you can see, each NeoLife product has a certain amount of profit margins and a corresponding commission points.

This marketing concept is known as Direct Selling. This is a legitimate concept that has been around for many years.

Since this company clearly provides other ways of earning to their distributors other than recruitment, I personally wouldn’t say that NeoLife is a form of pyramid scheme.

How to Become a NeoLife Club Member and Distributor?

You cannot buy NeoLife products in retail stores (although a few products can be bought in sites such as Amazon). You can purchase their product through the official NeoLife website. You can also become a NoeLife club member by signing up.

Don’t worry the sign up is free and you get to enjoy some pretty amazing perks once you become a member such as:

  1. Access to Exclusive Products
  2. 15-30% Off Suggested Retail
  3. Nutrition & Personal Development
  4. Complimentary Personal Website
  5. 3 for FREE Program
  6. Be Your Best Challenge
  7. Fun Events & Community

NeoLife also offers an affiliate membership which cost $49, or you can choose from one of the three kits below to become an official NeoLife distributor.

  • Builder Kit – $440
  • Manager Kit – $785
  • Senior Manager Kit – $1530

The number and amount of ROI products including your income potential would depend on the kit that you purchased.

My Honest Advice

NeoLife provides many good earning opportunities as well as the promise to take care of your health with their “clinically proven” products.

However, I wanted to be as honest as possible.

For one to succeed in the MLM industry is such a tall order, especially if you do not know the right strategy to grow your network effectively.

Not to mention the countless number of hurdles and obstacles that you have to overcome.

If you have made your decision and wanted to try your luck with NeoLife, please do yourself a favor learn the Attraction Marketing Formula to equip yourself with the proper skills and knowledge to give your self a fighting chance to succeed.

This is the strategy I personally used in order to succeed in my network marketing business and I have my own results to speak for themselves.

Please do not dive willy nilly into this business only to regret in the end.

I have been there on that “end” before and trust me, you don’t want to “there.”

On the other hand, if after reading this you realized that this business opportunity is not the one that you are looking for, you might want to check this out this program instead.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this review, and I am hoping that I have provided you with the answers that you are looking for.

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Is there anything you want to add on this NeoLife review? How was your experience with this company and its products? Is NeoLife a scam after all?

Please feel free to leave a comment below.

Your pal,





    1. Yes, they are the same. That “brand” is created by a Neolife distributor. They empower you with a way to be “financially free” by promoting their products.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

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