
Is Monavie a Scam? – The Facts Revealed!!!

MovaVie-mainName: MonaVie
Website: www.monavie.com
Price: There are several different products
Owner(s): Dallin Larsen

Bare Naked Scam rating: 3 Thumbs Down


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What Is MonaVie?

MonaVie is a health supplement company that has incorporated a business opportunity to generate revenue. The business opportunity is much like other business opportunities within the health supplement market. You can market the products and earn a commission fee on each sale that you make.

MovaVie-opportunityLikewise, if you recruit new members to the opportunity, it’s possible to earn a cut from their commission fees as well.

It has been active for several years now and there have been serious of lawsuits against the company but somehow it managed to remain afloat. It’s not a secret that the company has a tainted past.

Chances are that a friend recommended this program to you because they want to earn a commission fee. Please finish reading this review before you consider signing up to this scheme. There’s a lot of information that MonaVie affiliates don’t mention.

The MonaVie Products

Before we discuss the business opportunity let’s take a look at the products. First, there are quite a few different MonaVie products that are categorized into five different categories: Health Juices, Fitness, Weight Management, Stress Management, and Energy.

In total, the company is responsible for about 21 products.

MovaVie-key-ingredientsThe claim is that these products are the ultimate health supplements and are designed to help people reach their fitness goals. The juices are the most popular products. Marketers surround the juice products in a cloud of hype that can convince people that the juices are in fact magical. There have been claims that these juices can cure cancer and other serious illnesses.

On the website, there’s a list of ingredients and health benefits that are associated with each product. One of the claims is that these juices contain the same antioxidant capacity of 16 apples. There also a lot of other claims about the products that are slightly exaggerated.

What’s The Truth?

The truth is that these products do contain healthy ingredients. There’s no doubt that the juices and other products are full of vitamins and other minerals. The problem is that the people who promote the products often make exaggerated claims in order to convince more people to purchase the products. These claims tarnish the reputation of MonaVie and everyone starts to think that MonaVie is a team of liars.

MovaVie-PulseUnfortunately, that’s what happens when the company opens its doors and allows anyone to become an affiliate. Sometimes it’s difficult to find an honest article about MonaVie because lousy marketers throw in a bunch of random exaggerated facts.

Though MonaVie products are a little bit expensive, out of curiosity, I bought 4 bottles of MonaVie Pulse a few months ago and started drinking it. I can feel the positive effects to my health, I sleep better, I am more energetic during the day as compared to before.

Although Monavie products are nutritional, it is not suitable for just anyone. People with pollen allergies may suffer side effects. I know of a few complaints mentioning that they puked and felt sick after a cup of MonaVie, so I would suggest to stop drinking MonaVie if you feel much worse than you are now.

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What About AçaVie?

Movavi-ACAVAcaVie is MonaVie’s patented version of Acai extract. Acai is a berry that has become popular because it is rich in anti-oxidants. These berries have about the same nutritional value as a serving of fresh fruit. Berries are a great source of anti-oxidants which have been linked to skin color, stress relief, stronger hair, reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and much more.

Acai also contains high levels of Vitamin C which increase collagen productions which in turn improves joint flexibility. Most people think that Vitamin C boosts the immune system, which is also true, but it also improves the overall health of joints and discourages diseases like arthritis.

In a nutshell, Acai is an awesome little berry full of important nutrients, minerals, and vitamins.

The Business Opportunity

MovaVie enrolledI mentioned earlier in this article that MonaVie is based on a multi-level marketing system. The products are promoted by members to friends and family and the affiliate earns a commission fee. The reality of the situation is that most of your friends and family members don’t want or need these products.

On top of that, an extremely small percentage of affiliate will earn decent cash from the opportunity. The company claims that it has about one million affiliates. But one percent of that affiliate army qualifies to begin work and 10% of the people who qualified earn $500 a month.

First, it costs $40 to enroll. You’ll also be required to enter the name of the person who recruited you to the system. You need a sponsor to create an account.

The Compensation Plan

If you manage to become an affiliate, there’s 8 different ways to generate income: direct sales, bulk order bonus, first order bonus, star maker bonus, team commissions, executive check match, leadership pool and multi business centers.

Of course, the most profitable of these techniques is direct sales and encouraging more people to sign-up to the program. You can earn a percentage of the total sales of people under you. It’s the same multi-level marketing system that online companies have been using since the internet was invented. It’s a borderline pyramid scheme.

There’s not a demand for these products so people have to resort to tricks to make some sales. One of the main reasons that this company has been involved in a handful of lawsuits is because their marketers create exaggerated claims to convince people to purchase the product.

In order to be successful with MonaVie, you have to be a dang good salesperson. Because there is no demand for the product, you have to convince your customer that they need MonaVie. Buying the product is one thing, getting your customer to sign up as an affiliate under your downline is another. You will find that it is easier to sell the product rather than the opportunity.

So if I were you, I would not want to be a part of the affiliate team of MonaVie but rather be a customer. There are many other business opportunities where you do not need to be a salesperson.

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Why Not Multi-Level Marketing?

I said it before, but I’m going to say it again, multi-level marketing systems are not a exactly legitimate source of income. You might be able to make a few dollars here and there but you’ll never be able to make good cash unless you already have a pool of followers who will follow you to whichever MLM Company you join.

Moreover, the people who make the real cash are the people behind these systems. There are a handful of people that receive all the income while the rest of the members struggle to earn a few dollars.

When it comes to promoting multi-level marketing businesses, most people resort to recruiting their friends and family members. But eventually the people that are close to you will get tired of hearing about the same magical benefits of these products, and they’ll block you from their social media accounts, and avoid contact with you at all costs. You’ll sacrifice the relationships that you have just to earn a few dollars.

I think it’s much more profitable to create a real business. Create a real business that solves a problem or a pain point. It might sound difficult at first but once you start working towards helping people with their problems you’ll eventually be able to create a successful business.

It’s all about helping people.

My Sincere Advice to you

Although there are much benefit to you trying out ManaVie’s products, it is not worth your time and money to be a distributor or an affiliate for the company. If I were you, I will only purchase the product purely for health benefits and not for profit.

The Main reason being Multi-Level Marketing Businesses are not exactly the best way to make money from home. You have to go an extra mild to create a demand when there isn’t any. You will most likely pester your friends and family initially which may drive relationships apart. This is something that we do not want to see.

Also, to be successful in the Multi-Level Marketing industry, you have to be a great salesperson. If you are not one like myself, I would suggest you stay away from this opportunity.

If you have the intention to build an online business revolving around your interest but you do not know where or how to start, you should check out my #1 recommended online business education center. It is the place where I first started to make money online.

Have you had experience with this company before? Please leave a comment below.

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  1. My parents used MonaVie for health purposes. My mom was suffering from metastatic colon cancer and after a few months trial on MonaVie, the number of cancer cells in her body had dropped massively. I believe it’s a great product and my parents were more than happy to share the product with their friends around the UK.

    One of the downfalls on MonaVie is the price. It’s far too pricey…which was also one of the reasons why my parents never had success in selling them.

    It’s nice to know more about the business side of MonaVie.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  2. Is it safe and good for you to take the Mona Vie women’s vitamins and minerals 8.2 g of powder????

  3. Steen Rasmussen says:

    We all the C and D vitamins are some of the most important it is funny how many MLM businesses that use these drinks as products.
    I was even offered a whole box of a similar product just to look at the business, I was not interesereret so of course I was never my box vitamins.
    Unfortunately, there are still many who jump on the bandwagon and sometimes end up with the most insane products as they share samples out to friends and acquaintances to get them in the store

    1. Hey Steen!

      That is unfortunate for those people who jump into the bandwagon. Most of the time people just don’t make money with MLM scheme while they spent hundreds or thousands of dollars joining them. I would like to hear more of your box of vitamins.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

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