Expert Secrets Book Review – Is this the Real Deal?

Expert-Secrets-Book-CoverName: Expert Secrets Book
Author: Russell Brunson

Bare Naked Scam Rating: 4.5 / 5 Stars

Grab Free Copy of the Book: Click Here

I’ve never tried reading a 265 page book in a day, but I did it with Expert Secrets because it was immensely great, and I’ll tell you why below.

I know I sound a little exaggerated, but honestly, if you’ve read it, you will feel the same way.

In my opinion, it is one of the books that every Internet Marketers and Business Owners should have in their library.

You may have knowledge on SEO, SEM, copywriting, social media advertising, etc, and that’s great, but without the fundamental marketing aspect of your online business, your business may not be optimized the way it should be.

Expert Secrets walks you through the thought process of discovering important things that you might have missed at your startup.

The title of this book is “Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World”, and it retails at $19.95 at amazon, and discounted to $13 + shipping at the time of this writing.

You can get this book for FREE + shipping through here, or you can choose to buy it from Amazon here. I personally prefer to get it for FREE.

So without further ado, let me dive right in from Secret #3.


Secret #3: The New Opportunity

Russell has identified 4 elements that will bring the masses to take action on your product or offer (creating a mass movement).

Obviously, I will not spoil it for you by telling you what those elements are, but I will tell you that these elements resonates in every mass movement in history, from Jesus Christ and Hitler to every presidential electoral campaign.

In gist, with these elements put in place for your business or marketing campaigns, you can ignite the masses to join your cause (not only to “Try” your product, but to love every aspect of your business).


Secret #4: The Opportunity Switch

Russell subtly teaches you about copywriting. Copywriting is basically writing words that sell, and normally people pay hundreds, if not thousands to attend courses on copywriting.

In any kind of business, as long as you are selling something, you will need at least some basic copywriting skill and this book gives them to you.

On top of that, the Expert Secrets is unlike other internet marketing books where it teaches you the surface information, and you have to “figure it out yourself”.

This book actually gives you a practical strategy to reach out to your worthy customers.

Get the Expert Secrets Book for FREE here!

Secret #5: The Big Domino

What is the ONE THING that if you could knock down, and all the other dominos would either fall down or become irrelevant.

When crafting our sales messages, we often have the tendency to add many argument points to convince our prospects to buy our products.

It does make sense right, but most of the time, too many argument points will lead your prospect to wander off your sales pitch.

So, it is important to find the one thing, the big domino, that when you touch point on it, every objections that your prospects may have, vanishes.

In this chapter, you will discover how to identify the ONE THING to add to your sales pitch to make it effective.

Secret #6: The Epiphany Bridge

Ever wondered why you can’t convince your friends to buy your opportunity?

I had a lot of experience on this while I was involved in network marketing.

The excitement having to discover a new “breakthrough” product which I believe will sell for itself, and make me lots of money, but when I started to convince my friends to join the opportunity, my dream was shattered.

Do you have a similar kind of experience?

If you have, I am sure you will love what is in this chapter as it shares how you can convince others around you by telling a story.

A story that will allow your audience to feel the same epiphany you had when you got your hands on the product or service that you are selling.

Russell breaks down the elements of a good story that sells.

In Secret #6, it is all about why you need to convince your buyers through storytelling, and it gives you the structure for building your story.

Believe it or not, we relate to stories more than we relate to logic. Just like why we still drink coca cola even if it kills us gradually.

My eyes were wide opened because of the vast knowledge that I am receiving.

Secret #7: The Hero’s 2 Journey

Secret #7 through #10 adds on to Secret #6.

Through this process, you will learn the fundamental elements to craft a powerful story for your product or service.

In Secret #7, it brings the state of epiphany to the next level.

You will learn the basic of story telling, and how to add the knowledge that you’ve gained through Secret #6 to your story to make your prospect feel the epiphany that you once had about your product or service.

Secret #8: The Epiphany Bridge Script

Now that you understand the elements of a great story, it is time to craft the story for your business.

Secret #8 gives you 8 guidelines to write your epiphany script.

Russell went into detail to explain the 2 types of struggles that every customer or prospect will face.

  1. External struggle
  2. Internal struggle

External struggles are surface problems that everyone knows. For example, “I want to lose weight” or “I want to make more money”. But, the reason(s) that drives the person to those external struggles are the Internal struggles.

Internal struggles are intangible. They are struggles that no one else can see, but are only felt by the person going through it.

For example, “the main reason for wanting to lose weight is because I am afraid that I will be the laughing stock this summer when I visit the beach” or “the main reason I want to make more money is so that my family and in-laws will think highly of me”.

You will instantly be able to build a rapport with your prospects when you demonstrate that you understand their internal struggles.

Secret #9: False Belief Patterns

This part teaches you the knowledge that you will learn if you join a Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP).

Expert-Secrets-False-BeliefIt talks about the false beliefs that everyone has, and that each belief is created by an individual’s experience.

Something that is legitimate, may be perceived as a scam because of the person’s belief.

For example, former president Obama has done a great service to the United States, but why haven’t everyone acknowledge it?

Another good example is when president Donald Trump took the stage, but the media has evoked a sense of disbelief which caused part of the country to go on strike.

Everyone follows the same media, but why is there a division between the supporters and the non-supporters?

All these are created by beliefs of each individual.

So, what has it gonna do with your business? EVERYTHING!

When you are trying to sell a product, your customers will bring about their own set of beliefs, which may cause a hindrance to your sale.

This chapter explains how you can use the epiphany bridge story created in the previous chapters to break those false beliefs.

Make the Right Decision for your Business. Get a FREE copy of the Expert Secrets Book here!

Secret #10: The 3 Secrets

After identifying the false beliefs of your customers, and writing an epiphany bridge story, this secret will teach you how to categorize those beliefs for creating an even stronger story.

Just like the struggles we’ve discussed in Secret #8 above where there are internal and external struggles, there are internal and external beliefs as well.

Russell has identified the 3 core false beliefs which are:

  1. The Vehicle
  2. The Internal Beliefs
  3. The External Beliefs

By categorizing them, you will be able to revise your story for better sales conversion.

From Secret #11 onward…

From Secret #11 onward, it is all about asking for the sale.

This requires some copywriting techniques which Russell will walk you through each step to craft your sales message.

Generally, once you have laid the groundwork of your story (the actionable items from Secret #1 to #10), asking for the sale would be easier because you have already planted some seeds in the mind of your prospects or customers, and they already see the value in what you are about to sell.

But, there are some effective strategies and techniques that you can use to ask for the sale, and Russell will cover them in the rest of the book.

My Final Word About Expert Secrets…

I am sure by now you see the benefit this book will bring to your business or your marketing campaigns.

What is unique about this book is that it does not teach you how to sell a “better” product to compete with your competitors, it teaches you how to create a market of your own, so that there is a barrier to entry to your new found market (the concept of “Apple Inc”).

Also, it is not a book that gives you the surface information for you to “figure it out yourself”. Expert Secrets provides you with the step-by-step guide to build a powerful sales message for your business.

As you probably know, I’ve been doing Internet Marketing for years, and I’ve never come across a book that allows me to understand the reasons for the successes and failures of my marketing campaigns.

I really hope that you can benefit from this book like it has done for me.

You can either buy this book at amazon for $13 + shipping fees, or you can get it FREE + shipping.

Thank you for reading this review and I hope you make the right decision for your business.

Your pal,


One Comment

  1. Expert Secrets book very cool… I buy it last week. Just waiting

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