
CB Passive Income Scam? – An in-depth Insider review

cb-passive-income-mainName:  CB Passive Income
Website:  www.cbpassiveincome.com
Price: $47 + Several upsells
Owner: Patric Chan

Bare Naked Scam rating: 3 Thumbs Down


#1 Recommended Online Business Training with Proof: Click Here

CB Passive Income – An Introduction

If you are wondering whether you should invest your money on this program, then you come to the right place. In this review, I am going to go deep into the program and share with you what exactly you are getting from CB Passive Income.

Let me first say that I am not here to criticize or promote this program but rather to share my personal experience with you. I bought the program to better understand what it offers so you can make an informed decision. Furthermore, I am not an affiliate of CB Passive Income, so this review is purely unbiased.

What is CB Passive Income?

It is a program that supposedly teach you how to make money online through the methods of Affiliate Marketing. With 3 simple steps, you can start generating income from your CB Passive income business. At least this is what Patric Chan wants you to believe, unfortunately, it is never that easy. If it is that easy, everyone would’ve gotten a piece of CB Passive Income.

For the $47 initial membership fee, you will be getting a bunch of training videos as shown in the picture below plus several more:


But what you do not know is that these videos are not created by Patric Chan, they are basically downloaded from Youtube, complied and uploaded into CB Passive income as part of its training course. I, personally feel that it is a rip off because I can easily get these videos from Youtube, why do I need to pay $47 to get them from CB Passive Income?

Though I understand the general idea of CB Passive Income is sort of like a push button turnkey system, and training is just not its priority, I would at least hope that Patric Chan, given his credibility as a well known internet marketing expert, would put some effort into developing his own video training course rather than amalgamating others as part of its training.

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The Upsells

Right after you purchase CB Passive Income, you will be introduced to two upsells (product upgrade). The upsells are as follow:

  • CB Passive Income Pro Version ($97 one-time)
  • Fast Cash Series ($49 monthly)

Before I dive right into the upsells mentioned above, I would like to share with you what exactly you will get with your basic membership.

CB Passive Income Basic Membership Training

Basically, the training platform guides you through a 2 steps procedure.

Step #1: Setup your “Secret Webpage” to be promoted!

In this step, you will be getting your unique link to promote another program developed by Patric Chan called “Operation Quick Money”. This is a cheap trick to get you to make more money for Patric Chan while you take the time, effort and money to promote his product. You will understand what I mean in the next step I am about to disclose.

Basically, when you promote the unique link provided to you, people who clicks on your link will be directed to a “squeeze page” or some called “landing Page” like this:


The email addresses that people provide in the “squeeze page” will be stored in your CB Passive Income auto-responder mailing list. The auto-responder will send email to those people regularly to entice them to sign up for “Operation Quick Money” or some other products Patric Chan recommends you to promote.

CB Passive Income Pro Version

You will be tempted to upgrade your membership account to the “Pro version” where the emails stored in the mailing list will be added to another mailing list which is suppose to “double your income”. The picture below illustrates the usefulness of the “Pro Version”:


To be honest, this looks more like a spam to me. Imagine the recipient of the emails receives so many offers from you, do you think he or she will sign up to everything you promote, or treat your emails as spam? I will let you decide.

I am just looking at the practical point of view.

Step #2: Promoting your webpage!

cb-passive-income-training-step-2Like I have mentioned, you will be spending time, effort and money to promote your unique link. This step teaches you how to use certain media platforms to get your link out on the internet. The first way is by Soloads.

If you are not familiar with Soloads, it is basically a jargon used by most “Internet Marketing Gurus” to promote their mailing list. These gurus have accumulated huge mailing lists from different niches and are “selling” them to you.  When you engage the “gurus”, they will send emails with your unique link to their mailing list.

The disadvantage of soloads is that it is expensive and if it not used correctly, you may lose money. It is just like gambling, there are no guaranteed success when using soloads.

cb-passive-income-training-facebook-marketingSecond way is by Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus. Again this video training series is not created by patric Chan. These video training series is rather neat as it teaches you from how to setup an account with the various social media platforms to promoting products with social media.

But take note that it will take some time before your efforts pay off. You can’t be a superstar overnight.

Immense yourself to a world of Affiliate Marketing. Click Here!

Fast Cash Series

Are you familiar with building a WordPress premium theme? Do you want to make money through selling wordpress premium themes? How about creating a wordpress plugin? This upsell is here to guide you through the process of building a wordpress theme and wordpress plugin from scratch and selling them to make a profit.

cb-passive-income-fast-cash-seriesWell, I can’t say much about the profitability of this business as I have not personally tried it, but as a user of wordpress, I would say that the competition for “Free” wordpress theme is very high, let alone the paid ones.

The main reason for anyone to pay for a premium wordpress theme is when your created wordpress theme or plugin is so unique that anyone needs. Unless you already have a “need” in mind, it is really hard to brainstorm something out of the blue because there are so many people (people with more experience than you) who have thought of those ideas before you.

Furthermore, if you are not an expert in coding, you may be sucked at some point down the training and it will be really hard for you to get any support. My advice is to stay away from this business unless you already have a coding background and know what people needs in terms of the theme or the plugin.

My Sincere Advice to You

Though this program do provide you with some valuable information, it is not exactly a conducive place to get your “money making online” training. As an opportunity, CB Passive Income is not exactly a great one.

If you want to know where I got my online business training, Click here. It provides the best online business training on the market. As you may know, I have tried many “money making” products online, and was scammed by most of them. I came through bad experiences and I can differentiate the good ones from the bad. So my recommendation is definitely one that is of quality.

If you have any experience with CB Passive Income, I invite you to share your experience by simply leaving a comment below. I will be more than happy to respond.

Your pal,


My Secret to Online Sucess


  1. People that call themselves a GURU = Ripping off the INNOCENT/POOR.

    Bought the programs, spent over $1500 on advertising collected just little over 1200 leads and waited for 5 months and netted ZERO nada sales. It has past 60 days so you can’t get a refund. Lost lots money with that dishonest person and his program.

    1. There’s always a risk when you step into the online advertising platform. You have to know what you are getting into, but unfortunately this was not communicated well to you.

      When you are advertising online, there are several things that you should consider.

      The ROI of the product;
      The sell-ability of the product;
      What are you willing to pay for the advertisements;

      Also, I am not sure what was taught in the course, but you should pace your $1,500. It’s a big amount and you can definitely do trial and errors to find the best advertisement that works.

      Then when you find one successful campaign, you can then inject more money to it to earn the ROI (Return on Investment).

      I would never recommend beginners to start with online advertising because you’ll get burnt if you do not know what you are doing.

      For beginners, I do recommend to start with blogging and SEO. To me, Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best course that teaches that.

      Wealthy Affiliate was also my stepping stone for my success.

      I hope this can help you in one way or another.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  2. HI mrs chan how can i make money online

  3. Michelle Jeffrey says:

    I Bought the CBpassive income in February. I have spent a lot of money on traffic but have not made one cent since i started. I have asked for my money back but guessing because the 60 day money back promise is over, i don’t hold out much hope. Feel totally ripped off!!

  4. Thank you for this review. But I think that, you would not have been able to give this detailed information about the “CB Passive Income” if you have not bought it. I want to know whether you made some money from it. Thank you.

    1. Unfortunately, I do not make money nor gain knowledge from CB Passive Income.

      If you want to learn how I made my money, you can check out my journey to success. I share about the tough road that I’ve been through to finally making my first commission online.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  5. Bought this and I’m disappointed with it. Patric Chan is a big name in the IM world but the more I learn about him and his products, the scarier I become.

    This is indeed a good review!

  6. The question is if this critical review concerns the latest CB passive income 3.0 or an earlier variant ?
    Maybe Chan has taken some heavy weighing criticism( as are presented here) to his heart and made improvements ?

    1. Well, I haven’t looked into the new version yet, but experience tells me that new versions of a product will usually be an add on and the core product will not change. I will do a review on the new version once I test it again.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  7. I’ve never heard of CB Passive Income, but thank you for the the heads up and a throough article on this program. After reading your review, it’s not something I would invest my time and money into. However, thanks for your recommendation which I’m about to look at right after this comment.

    Cheers. Neil

  8. Another excellent review Jack!

    I am so grateful that you do these awesome reviews about these programs.

    I have to agree with you about your #1 recommendation of Wealthy Affiliate, I also use their training and if you really want to build a business online this is the place to go!


  9. The CB Passive income program is a cookie cutter of pretty much every program you will find on Clickbank in the make money category. It is actually quite ironic.

    You buy a low grade program, you are asked to buy something else right away, and then you are asked to buy into a membership (continuity). This sort of upsell model is all too common these days and is something that I don’t really agree with. It is not a “would you like fries with that situation”. It is a “sorry, but you didn’t actually get everything you need…you need to buy more”. By nature, it is unethical and the first sign of a scam online is instant upsells within a product.

    And the PRO version of this program adding your emails to a double opt-in where they get the ability to email your “list” in essence is probably the shadiest thing I have seen in quite some time. You would be an absolute fool to work hard to build a list only to give it away to a company in this natural (this is actually bordering on crossing into illegal sharing of personal information).

    1. Thanks for your input Kyle! Your comment sums up everything I’ve got to say about CB Passive Income.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  10. Hello Jack, Your review of CB Passive Income is very timely. I had been considering this program as I have been receiving many emails from Patric Chan. I guess what makes it attractive is that they claim to promote for you and that it is “turn-key”…You have done an excellent job in outlining this “money making” scam – only for Patric – and money sucker for weary, trying to work from home, struggling affiliates…….
    By the way, I saw your review of Wealthy Affiliates a few months ago and decided that it was a better option for me. I am so grateful I did. I no longer fall prey to scams. Thank you.
    Best wishes,

    1. You are welcome Angela and I’m glad you found Wealthy Affiliate. You do not need to find any other “make money programs” after you are a part of Wealthy Affiliate because it provides the best online business education you can find on the internet.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

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