
Is Beachbody a Scam? – Is it worth your time and effort?

Name:  Beachbody
Website:  www.beachbody.com
Owners: Carl Daikeler and Jon Congdon

Income Opportunity rating: 2.5 / 5 Stars

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Beachbody has been established since 1998, and it wouldn’t be in good standing if it was a scam, right? But if it is legitimate, why are there so many people claiming that it is a scam? A friend of mine is interested in the products of Beachbody and has requested me to do some research on it. In this article, I will share all my findings with you so that you can make an informed decision.

I am sure if you are reading this article, chances are you found Beachbody through your friends or family and you are wondering if you should try the products and be a part of the company. I assure you that you’ve come to the right place.

After doing much research on the company and the products, and diving into so many reviews, articles and personally tried the shakeology myself, I’ve come to a conclusion that, Beachbody it is not a scam. Many people claim that it is a scam because it involves Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) which is closely knitted to a pyramid scheme. Here is a video which explains the difference between an MLM and a pyramid scheme:


Though Beachbody is a legitimate business, it doesn’t mean that its opportunity is suitable for everyone. There are many things you need to know before you buy the products and to join the business opportunity.

The Team Beachbody Opportunity – Becoming a Beachbody Coach

Can anyone be a Beachbody coach? In the context of the Company and its Independent distributors, anyone and everyone can be a Team Beachbody Coach. The big problem is, can you really be a Coach? Just imagine yourself as someone who is overweight, do you think people will ever trust you to be their coach? I personally wouldn’t.

beachbody-coachThe Team Beachbody opportunity starts with being a coach, and in my opinion, not everyone is suitable to be one. Before anyone joins the opportunity, they have to ask themselves if they are serious about changing their own lives, and if they are serious, I would recommend that they try the Beachbody products and follow through their workout programs.

If they succeed in losing weight and become fit, it proofs one thing, the product works, and they would have more credibility when promoting the Beachbody products and opportunity to someone else.

I am sure you wouldn’t want to promote a product that you’ve not tried, right?

In my opinion, this is the right way to becoming a coach (although not many Beachbody coaches will agree with me), not just anyone who wants to make money from the comfort of their homes should be a coach. If you are serious about making money online and at the comfort of your home, without workouts or losing weight, I recommend that you check this program out.

The people who are suitable to be a coach are people who achieved amazing results through the benefits of the products. I would definitely follow someone who have been through the Beachbody challenge program and who have benefited from it.

Are you really a Coach if you join the Beachbody Coach program?

The answer is no. Joining the Team Beachbody Coach program does not necessarily mean that you need to personally coach someone.

To be honest, you would just be like a sales representative of the Team Beachbody. Your job is to let the Beachbody products and the opportunity known to your social circle and to convince people to purchase the products and possibly join the opportunity.

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The Success Rate of the Team Beachbody Opportunity

As with many other MLM Business Opportunity, the chances of success are very low. As disclosed in the income disclosure of Team Beachbody, only 55.27% of the enrolled coaches received a bonus or a commission check from Beachbody, which means 44.73% of the coaches did not make any money during the year.


Referring to the table above, 74% of the coaches (Emerald) made an average of $3,106 a year which means $258 a month. 3.8% of the coaches (Ruby) made an average of $10,068 a year which means $839 a month, and 14.4% of the coaches (Diamond) made 14,101 a year, which means $1,175 a month.

If you combine those averages, it would mean that 92.2% of the coaches made an average of $13,637.50 a year which equates to $1,136.46 a month. $1,136.46 a month looks like an average person’s pay in a part-time job. You can hardly make enough money from Beachbody to survive. The big bucks are made at the highest membership (Star Diamond).

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The Cost of the Team Beachbody Opportunity

There are a few prices to join the opportunity, and it depends on how serious and determine you are making money from Team Beachbody. Here are the following options:

Option 1: Lowest Membership

  • Membership Fee: $39.99 (for first month business fee and coaching kit)
  • Monthly Website Maintenance Fee: $15.95 per month

In my opinion, if you are serious in making money from this opportunity, you shouldn’t select this option because you will not get to try the products and reap the benefits. You wouldn’t know how to promote the products because you’ve not tried it first hand.

If you are serious in the Beachbody opportunity, you should select one of the following options:

beachbody-p90xOption 2: Challenge Packs for $205 includes:

  • A month supply of Shakeology
  • P90x, P90x2, P90x3, Insanity and Tai Cheng DVD workout series

Option 3: Challenge Packs for $180 includes:

  • A month supply of Shakeology
  • 10 Minute Trainer, ChaLean Extreme, Insanity, Rev Abs, Turbo Fire DVD workout series

Option 4: Challenge Packs for $160 includes:

  • A month supply of Shakelogy
  • 21 Day Fix, T25, Power 90, CIZE and Hammer and Chisel DVD workout series

And various other Challenge Packs…

The Beachbody Coach Mindset – Everyone wants to be slim and fit

Have you heard of the Push and Pull Marketing strategy? A Push strategy simply means that you go all out to promote the product to the consumers directly, and the Pull strategy simply means that you let the consumers come to you using various techniques.

Many Beachbody coaches adopted the push strategy which I think is the wrong strategy. They should be focusing on helping people who want to be helped (the Pull Strategy) rather than focusing on trying to convince people to take action (the Push Strategy).

Though there is some truth behind the statement “Everyone wants to be slim and fit”, not everyone is ready to take action to become slim and fit. Most Beachbody coaches I’ve seen have this misconception and started to bug every single one they know to join the Team Beachbody opportunity.

You would wonder why so many people call Beachbody a scam.

The Team Beachbody Compensation Plan – Explained

Hope the above video is easy enough for you to understand how the compensation plan works.

The compensation plan is similar to many other compensation plans of other MLM companies. You do not need to fully understand how it works, but just know that the more people you recruit into the business opportunity, the more money you would make.

In my opinion, it is not how many people you recruit that makes you successful, it is how many people you retain in the business. The retention rate depends on the quality of training and support your team offers. This is something you would also need to consider should you decide to join the opportunity. Do some due diligence on the team you are about to join and decide if they put your interest ahead of theirs.

My Sincere Advice to You

Team Beachbody is a legitimate MLM company, but its opportunity is not suitable for anyone or everyone. There are many things to consider if you ever want to be a part of the business. I am sure the Team Beachbody’s products do work because I have seen many positive results, and have personally tried the Shakeology.

But I wouldn’t want to be a part of the business because I know that there are many other business opportunities that are far more robust and has a higher success rate than this.

I personally trust the Beachbody’s products and would recommend you to buy it, but I wouldn’t recommend that you join the business opportunity.

If you are serious in making money online, I would highly recommend that you give this business opportunity a try. Many people have succeeded online with the business opportunity (me included) and hope you can too.

Hope the above is sufficient for you to make an informed decision. If you wish to discuss more on Beachbody, please, feel free to leave a comment below and if you find this article useful, please help to share this with your friends and family by clicking on the social media buttons.

Your pal,


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