Builderall Review – What other affiliates don’t want you to know

I’ll be honest with you, I am not overly excited like the other builderall affiliates because I don’t believe in chasing after “exciting launches” of internet marketing tools.

I believe in working with the ones that work for a long time without switching to a new platform whenever something exciting pops up.

With Builderall, I see that they are the first in the industry that provides so many tools all in one place, and at an affordable price.


That’s quite a steal!

I mean, for a landing page builder with no restrictions, email autoresponder with 10,000 subscribers, auto-webinar, App creation, video creation, all for just $49 per month is definitely a steal.

And, if you purchase the membership through an affiliate, the price gets even cheaper at $29.90 per month.

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If you purchase all these Internet Marketing Tools from different vendors, the approximate cost outlay will be as follows:




Landing Page Builder


$48.00 Per month

Email Autoresponder


$69.00 per month (10k subscribers)

Auto Webinar


$39.99 per month

Video Creator


$29.00 per month

App Creator


$30.00 per month

Heat Map


$79.00 per month


$249.99 per month

Although it sounds great, and the Builderall membership is a good offer, the BIG question is, do the tools really work?

In this Builderall review, I am going to share with you my personal experience with the product, as well as the stuff that no other Builderall affiliates will share.

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Builderall’s Sales Funnel (Landing Page) Builder

For the Sales Funnel (Landing Page) builder, Builderall is going after the same audience as Click Funnels.

They both have integrated page builders and Email Autoresponders.

Both programs have their pros and cons. But, for the purpose of this review, I’ll focus on Builderall.

In terms of the speed of the platform as well as the speed of the websites it produces, Builderall is ranked “average” as compared to other platforms on the market, like Thrive Architect or Click Funnels.

The Web pages created through the Builderall platform are not as mobile responsive as other platforms.

Yes, people who are promoting Builderall would say that you can configure the look and feel of the web pages on different devices by clicking on the button that looks like this (located at the top left corner of the page builder):


However, we all know that Mobile phones and tablets come in different sizes, and as Internet Marketers, it is super important for our websites to be mobile responsive, otherwise our audience will be turned off immediately by its design, not the content. That’s the worse that could happen.

Survey showed that more and more people are visiting websites on mobile devices (at least 50% of the web traffic currently), and this is something that we can’t ignore.

Having a mobile responsive website is not an accessory anymore, it is the known standard to the consumers.

Here’s a video of the comparison between Builderall and Click Funnels in terms of the Page Builder Tool:

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Builderall’s Responsive Blog Builder

Yes, it is true that you can build a website in the Builderall platform, with a domain name that you’ve purchased.

And, the content created through the Builderall platform does rank on Google as well.

This is all great, but here’s my concern…

Especially for bloggers, we spend a lot of time creating content for our blog, and we need a platform that is stable and trustworthy.

The platforms that we know exist, are WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

WordPress is the leading Content Management System (CMS) for websites (60% of all webmasters use WordPress).

Building an entire website through Builderall would mean that you are trusting a new platform on the market to host your entire online business.

What if Builderall shuts down tomorrow (hypothetically), all of your hard work will be gone.

Though it is really tempting to build everything on the Builderall platform, but I personally feel that there is a long-term risk of trusting your online business to a new platform.

Sorry, Builderall fans (if you are one), I can’t agree with you on this.

I’m just too worried to build my website on a new platform that may or may not last. I’ll prefer to build my websites on a platform that I know will exist for a long time, WordPress.

Builderall’s Email Autoresponder

Like Click Funnels, Builderall has an integrated Email Autoresponder in its platform.

Click Funnels’ Email Autoresponder is called “Actionetics” while Builderall’s is called “Mailing Boss”.

As email marketers, we need a solid email marketing platform that guarantees the deliverability rate for our email sequences and campaigns.

On top of that, Email Automation is the secondary perks of an email marketing tool.

Now, let’s see how Mailing Boss fair…

As we know, Aweber is one of the leading Email Marketing Tools on the market, and with its regular plans, it provides a basic Email Autoresponder system. The price of the plans is charged according to the size of the email list (10,000 subscriber list for $67.00 per month).

And, if you decide to use the Email Automation tools, you have to upgrade to the AW Pro Tools which cost between $19.99 per month to $73.99 per month.

With Builderall, you’ll get a 10,000 subscriber list, and you’ll also enjoy the Email Automation tools without the need to pay more.

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Email Segmentation

Email Segmentation is probably one of the most important aspect of an email list. In Builderall, you’ll be able to:

  1. Add Rules – When a user subscribes to this list, remove the user from another list
  2. Trigger Actions for a “Link Click” – When a user clicks on a link, you have to the option to:
    • Move user to another list
    • Copy user to another list
    • Change value of a list field
    • Send an email campaign
    • Insert a Tag Value
  3. Trigger Actions if the user “Did Not Click” on your links – If a user did not click on your link, you have the option to:
    • Move User to another list
    • Copy User to another list
    • Change a Field Name
    • Send an Email Campaign

The Email Automation goes even deeper when you create email campaigns.

If you are into email marketing, you’ll know how important it is for email automation.

Honestly, it gets complicated if you are new to email autoresponder.

So, if I may suggest, you should pen down the entire email autoresponder into a mind map, meaning how and where you want to lead your email subscribers to your business goals.

Basically, plan out every move of your email automation.

From what happens when someone subscribes, to what action they have to take to advance towards another email list, what happens if someone unsubscribes, down to where the email sequence and campaigns end.

That way, it becomes very clear on how you structure your email automation.

Deliverability rate

Though Email Automation is great, above everything else, the deliverability rate of emails is the utmost important.

There’s no point of having all these email automation and to have those emails sent to a junk mail, right?

That’s what happened to me when I was testing Mailing Boss (My experience may differ from yours):


Builderall’s Webinar

I don’t really use webinar at the time of this writing, but I am going into that in the near future.

So, I can’t really comment much about the usability and functionality as compared to the industry leading tool called “WebinarJam”.

If you have tried hosting Webinars on WebinarJam and Builderall, I would love to hear your opinion on which is better.

Please leave your opinion in the comment section below.

So far, I see that Builderall’s Webinar has all the features of WebinarJam. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Here’s how it works:

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Builderall’s Animated Video Creation Tool

I’ve used quite a few Video Creation Tools, and the best I’ve used is VideoScribe.

It is intuitive and it loads really fast, plus there are many animated elements that the users can use.

When it comes to Builderall’s Video Creation Tool, I find that (1) it doesn’t load as fast, (2) doesn’t have a lot of animated elements, and (3) it is not intuitive.

Generally, I would say that the Builderall’s Video Creation Tool is not the top notch, but it is average as compared to many other tools on the market.

VideoScribe Walk-through

Builderall Video Creation Walk-through

Builderall’s Click Map

This is quite a surprising tool to have because it is important to know where your visitors are clicking or mousing over on your website.

This will allow you to get useful intel on your visitors and use it to your advantage.

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Comparing to CrazyEgg, the industry leading A/B testing and Heatmap tool, Builderall falls short of the ability to record the visitor’s mouse movement on the website.

But in general, the Builderall’s Click Map is still an acceptable tool.

I just wished that they can do something about the user interface (Note: by the time you read this review, this bug may have been fixed):


Now, here’s how you can use Heatmap to your advantage:

Design Studio and Presentations Builder

Personally, I didn’t enjoy using these tools from Builderall because the user interface doesn’t appeal to me, and it didn’t seem that there’s much editing options.

Here’s how the user interface looks like:

Design Studio User Interface


Presentations Builder User Interface


I’d prefer to use a free design tool called Canva because the platform loads really fast and it is intuitive, plus it has many design elements.

Other Builderall Tools

There are other tools like App Creator and the Membership site Builder.

But, I’ll be honest that I don’t use them, so I can’t give a fair review on those tools.

If you have experience with these tools that I’ve mentioned, I’d love to hear your opinion.

Please leave a comment below in the comment section, and if I have a consensus vote on these tools, I will update this review accordingly.

What I like about Builderall?

One thing I love about the Builderall platform is the people behind the program, because they really care about their users. The price of the program already says it all.

They’ve taken the time to create many useful video guides for every segment of the platform.

You can easily find all the video guides in the “Tutorial Videos” located at the side panel.

There are hundreds of videos, and you can easily find what you are looking for by using the search function.

Builderall is positioned to be the all-in-one Internet Marketing solution that revolutionize the entire Internet Marketing Industry, however, it is just not ready now.

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My 2 Cents on Builderall

“Is Builderall worth it?”

My answer is Yes!

There are many tools in one place, and it cost only $29.90 per month. Definitely a steal. Join Builderall as a Founder Member here.

However, if you compare each and every tools Builderall have against the industry leaders…

You would see that the quality of the tools fall short of amazing.

You see, when you try to put everything in one place, and there is no focus, the best you can probably get is a mediocre result.

Don’t get me wrong, I am rooting for Builderall!

I hope to see Builderall surpass all of its competitors…

That way, no one will need to buy software after software just to run their online business.

Builderall could have been the best tool that creates a revolution in the entire Internet Marketing industry, but it is just not ready for that yet.

This tool has a long way to go as they need to fix the…

  1. Email Autoresponder issue (that I’ve mentioned above);
  2. Overall loading speed of the platform;
  3. Stability and user friendliness of the Content Management System;
  4. Mobile responsiveness of the web pages, and so many other issues.

For now, I don’t think that I will shift my entire online business to the Builderall platform.

But, I wouldn’t mind using the Webinar and the Sales Funnel tool (hopefully the web pages will be mobile responsive soon).

In the near future, if each of the Builderall tools performs better than its competitors…

I would be happy to pay $99 per month or more for the membership. I believe you would agree.

Let’s hope Builderall can reach that stage.

Thank you so much for reading this Builderall review

I hope I’ve given the information you need to make an informed decision.

If you found this review helpful, please share it! You might help others who are looking for this information.

If you’d like to discuss more about Builderall, or if you have a different opinion that you’ll like to share, please, feel free to leave a comment below.

Your pal,


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