
Is Modere a scam?

Modere-mainName: Modere

Website:  www.modere.com

Income Opportunity rating: 2.5 / 5 Stars

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For those who are relatively new to Modere, you may not aware that it is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company offering personal care, household care and health & wellness products.

They first started in February 2014. Despite being a relatively young company, they have a reliable supply of production, of which was operated by their own manufacturing facility.

Similar to most MLM companies, it offers opportunities for distributors to try their product, at the same time promoting it to new distributors or buyers.

The goal as a distributor is to reap a certain commission as a profit through their downlines (referrals who became distributors) or from every product sold.

Modere offering spans into different types. From laundry powder, hand wash, body soap to protein shakes.

Obviously there are so many to choose from. Distributors enjoy the luxury to offer more options to avid buyers.

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Is Modere another MLM scam?

There are many concerns about how reliable MLM can be.

Countless of news and headlines on how MLM are reaping profits from victims before closing their stores and disappear.

It is no wonder people tend to be cautious about MLM, especially a new one. If you refer to this page, the author Ak Sharma provided a long list of MLM scams identified. So far there were 537 sites uncovered.

Modere, despite being a relatively young company, is not a scam.

Neways-mainModere is a re-launch of Neways, a marketing company that has started since 1987.

Neways was acquired by Z Capital in 2013. Meaning to say, this company basically has a business experience for more than 30 years.

Though its long standing, I hope Modere will not follow the same principle as they did with Neways because it will shunt many good prospects away.

You can find more information about the history of Neways here.

For now, Neways has carved a new direction in their business line.

It made a bold move to create a sleek, trendy and modern design for their product.

They positioned themselves to cater to new and younger potential consumers who can fulfill these needs.

Downside of Modere

Modere after all, uses the MLM business model.

It is a model where the giant eats the weaker. There is little potential for people who are new to MLM to earn huge sums of money from this model.

Reliability of the Products

Modere-productsAs a very young company, there is limited information on the reliability of the product offered.

There are not many reviews out there to support the potential of Modere’s product.

Moreover, people may have doubts on the effectiveness of the product since not many of their peers can offer experience and feedback.

If you have experience with the Modere products, please, feel free to leave a comment at the end of this review.

Competitive market

Modere-competitionModere has yet to stand out in terms of brand as compared to many other MLM products in the market.

For example, speaking of a reliable brand for protein shake, they are up against giants like Herbalife.

For beauty products, consumer can easily look for their products in many beauty stores and relying on their personal trusted brands.

Let’s not forget about other MLM who are offering similar products as well.

Competitors like Amway has been in the market for the longest time offers more products, have thousands of active distributors and countless word-of-mouth reviews.

Relying on product offering alone simply cannot work.

In order to succeed, it takes a tremendous amount of effort.

Not to mention great network and selling skills to push this product out to the market.

Consumer Base

Recommendation from people around you makes a difference in how big you can scale in network marketing business.

For new distributors to hunt for new potential downline is more difficult than ever.

They need to spend more energy introducing Modere products with unfamiliar people and convince them to join the family.

Another push strategy available is the social media presence.

However, do you have enough friends or network to share it through Facebook or Instagram? And, will your friends in the social network start stunting you?

Sharing the products to friends and families is not a good solution.

It needs to be promoted to a larger group of audience. These audiences need to cater to the niche target Modere is looking for.

It is difficult to earn valuable sales without paying for ads on social networks.

Expensive Starter Fee

To start as an official distributor, one has to pay for a $29.95 startup fee, else they can choose to pay $399 for their Builder Collection package.

Modere is considered to be more costly compared to many other MLM out there. Distributors are earning only 3-6% from their downline’s commission.

Modere requires the distributors to purchase their stuff every month, in a method they call the ‘Autoship’ plan.

They may opt to skip the ‘Autoship’ plan if they are able to hit the sales quota required.

This proves to be quite costly for new joiners considering that they still need time to learn and build their customer base.

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Advantages of joining Modere

Company transparency

Modere has its own advantages as well.

Despite it being a new company, Modere is open to being transparent about their offerings.

There is plenty of information posted on their websites, and there are many recommendations offered by the company for consumers.

Consumers need reliability. The more information they can find in a foreign product, the more comfortable they are to buy them.

Niche marketing

Modere is skewed to a niche market of younger and modern consumers.

Through the marketing of their products, it is obvious that they are portraying the stylish, safe and stylish image of their company.

The new generation of distributors will be Modere’s window of opportunity to spearhead into the future of MLM market.

This is where distributors may take advantage to deep dive into the specific niche.

Niche marketing provides a better focus in finding potential buyers.

No longer do we want to visit people door-to-door and push our products to them.

Distributors need to device a strategic plan for their approach to hunt for potential downline and business people.

An example is to promote the health and wellness supplements during their visit in the gym or specific workshops.

Live Clean

Modere-live-cleanAs you can see from their website, they heavily promote themselves as an eco-friendly company.

Besides owning a manufacturing plant that operates solely on wind power.

Their entire product packages are recyclable. It is a message that is commonly and positively acceptable in the modern society.

But, just be sure not to badmouth other products like Neways did.

Incentive and Bonuses

The company is generous in offering various incentives and bonuses to their members.

They offer an extensive range of bonuses for distributors that starting from First Order Bonus to Leadership Development Bonus.

The company also offers to reward one distributor every month to enjoy the Lifetime Experience.

The benefit of this reward allows them to enjoy premium access to sporting events, concerts, personal stylist and so on.

My Sincere Advice to You – Is Modere really for You?

The first question you have to ask yourself before joining Modere is “did the products benefited me?”.

You can’t expect to convince others if you do not believe that the products work, right?

Next if you are new to the MLM industry, you may want to exercise your due diligence on the following:

  • Whether the team that you are joining puts your interest ahead of theirs (meaning they are willing to do whatever it takes to see you succeed)
  • Whether it is really worth buying those products for personal consumption
  • The sales techniques that your team will teach (Do they ask you to prospect (pester) your friends or family or they teach you how to find targeted customers online)

These are pertinent questions that will lead your success or failure.

Now, what if you think that the Modere business opportunity is not for you? What’s next?

Well, if you are like me, who sucked at selling and who hates to promote products or opportunities to friends or family, then you may be interested in this.

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Thank you so much for reading this review!

If you find this review helpful, please, help to share this on your social network (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, etc). If you wish to discuss more about Modere, you can leave a comment below.

And lastly, if you have any experience with the Modere products, you can write your review in the comment section below as well.

Your pal,
