
Is InteleTravel a Scam?

So, let me guess, you’ve attended a InteleTravel party or you’ve spoken to a representative, and they say that this is the opportunity that you can’t afford to miss. Then, a question pops in your mind “Is InteleTravel a Scam”? That’s when you found this InteleTravel review, am I right?

Whatever the reasons may be, if you are looking for more information about this company to help you make the right decision, then you’ve come to the right place.

To be honest with you, I was a representative for several other Travel related MLM companies called “World Ventures” and “Evolution Travel“.


So, naturally I am interested to know more about InteleTravel.

And, judging by the way the company operates, I am confident to say that InteleTravel is NOT a scam.

But, that doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed to earn money from this program.

There are things that your InteleTravel representative don’t wish that you know.

Before I get into the details, let’s understand what this company is all about.

But, if you wish to skip ahead, feel free to do so…

How I Fired My Boss and Still Earn a Full-Time Income. Here’s How You Can Too!

What is InteleTravel?

James Ferrara, the co-founder and President of InteleTravel explains it best…

And, here’s an introductory video of InteleTravel:

InteleTravel was co-founded by James Ferrara in 1992.

It aims to provide a home-based business opportunity for people who aspire to be a Travel Agent.

Back in the day, if you are interested to be a part of the travel community, you need to set up your own agency or work for one.

And, you’ll definitely need years of experience backing you up.

So, InteleTravel pioneered the idea of “acting like a travel agency” for anyone who aspires to be a Travel Agent, even if they do not have any prior experience in the industry.

With its membership, agents will be granted access to:

  • Exclusive Travel Offers
  • A personalized Travel Booking website
  • Insider Travel Knowledge
  • Full customer support from the Company; and of course
  • Competitive Travel Rates to help its agents win customers

This company has two ways of compensation.

  1. Commissions paid through direct sales
  2. Commissions paid for recruiting new agents

IneteleTravel, by itself, is simply a direct selling company without the Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) aspects.

And, it has exclusively partnered with “PlanNet Marketing” to compensate its agents for their recruitment efforts.

To put it simply, the ideal way to grow your InteleTravel business is to build a large team of Agents (your sales force) under your helm. That way, you can leverage on your team of Travel Agents to earn a passive income.

However, the road to success with this company is going to be tough, just like any traditional business.

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The InteleTravel Opportunity Review

In my opinion, it is not suitable for just anyone who have the passion to travel.

You may love to travel, and you may love to hear travel stories.

But, when you are put to task to be held responsible for other people’s travel needs, the situation may change.

I, for one, worked part-time for a Travel Agency when I was still studying.

I know very well that handling and managing other people’s travel needs is not an easy task.

If something goes wrong, it is your head on the chopping block.

At least if you work in an agency, there’s your boss or the company, who can back you up for your mistakes, or at worst, you may get fired.

But, if you are a InteleTravel Agent, you have no one else who can be responsible for your shortcoming (if any).

The worst that could happen for any agents is that they lose a valuable relationship with the ones whom the travel plans got destroyed.

The InteleTravel Business opportunity not suitable for you? Check this out!

Who is this opportunity for?

I still think that this opportunity is lucrative, but it is more suitable for people who are already in this industry.

If you are already a travel agent working for a travel agency, and you hate the “agency hierarchy” or you are just tired of working for someone else, this business opportunity might interest you.

Other suitable candidates could be a graduate who majored in Travel, or a tour guide, or someone who has means to contact and get a steady flow of new prospects.

I am sure this is contrary to what you heard from the representatives, am I right?

I’d love to hear your personal experience with your representative, feel free to share your experience in the comment section at the end of this review.

How much does it cost to join InteleTravel?

  • InteleTravel  Enrollment Fee – $179.99 one-time
  • Monthly Administrative Fee – $39.95 per month
  • PlanNet Marketing Administrative Fee (Optional – More information below) – $19.95 per month
  • Total – $179.99 + $59.90 per month

The InteleTravel Compensation Plan -How will you get paid?

How InteleTravel works is quite simple.

When you join as an agent, you will get your unique Travel Agent website that has all the basic functionalities, and when someone purchase, for example an Air Ticket through your website, you get paid automatically.

You’ll earn 70% of the commission that InteleTravel makes from the vendor.

When somebody purchases a travel package through your unique website, theoretically, it is InteleTravel who helps your customer book the travel package.

You get compensated for being an intermediary.

As for the Multi-Level Marketing side of the business, InteleTravel has partnered with another company called “PlanNet Marketing” to exclusively sell the travel packages and recruit people into the InteleTravel business.

Now that you know how you will get paid with InteleTravel and PlanNet Marketing, let us understand why the majority of the people do not earn a dime from this “exciting opportunity”.

Why More than 95% of the InteleTravel Agents Fail?

InteleTravel Scam? Reasons for high failure rate

Source: www.plannetmarketing.com

For the year 2017, out of the 25,370 Independent Representatives who joined InteleTravel, a whopping 97.65% of the people (24,775 Independent Representatives) earned an average of $69.95 for the entire year. Why is that the case?

If a company is legit, why is the failure rate so high? I think I know the reasons…

Reason 1: Not Enough Customers

Let’s face it! In order for any kind of business to grow, it needs a constant flow of new prospects.

Let’s say that you have 100 close friends and family members, and everyone of them travels at least once a year (this is a hypothetical situation which is already inflated from the facts).

They all chose you to be their Travel Agent because you are just so good at what you do.

Each of them purchased an average of $1,500 travel package with you.

So, out of the $1,500, the Travel Partners pay InteleTravel a 14% commission, which is $210.

And, out of that $210, you’ll earn a 70% commission as an agent, which is $147.

Multiply that with a 100 (which is the number of friends you have), and you earn a total of $14,700.

Not bad, but it is an annual earning, which equates to $1,225 per month.

Don’t forget, for earning that $147, you’ll have to take full responsibility for all travel needs of your friends and family members, which will eat up quite a lot of your time.

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Reason 2: Difficult to Leverage the Internet to Grow Your business

Everyone is talking about this.

You should not depend solely on your social circle to expand your business, you have to find cold hard prospects from the internet if you want your business to grow.

This is true, but I would say that it is tough to implement with this opportunity.

Unless you have a good mentor who’ve achieved success using this method, otherwise, it will be an uphill battle for you.

As the InteleTravel is a personalized travel agent service, you are basically branding yourself.

But, how will a person trust you to handle their travel needs if they don’t know about you?

Honestly, it is not exactly difficult to manage your own travel needs these days (I’m sure you know), so why do you need to rely on someone else?

Reason 3: Lack of Support and Guidance

“The Blind Leading The Blind”

As there is just a handful of people who’ve succeeded with this opportunity, do you think that your sponsor or your team leader can guide and mentor you to success?

My guess is that they are facing the same problem as you.

I can’t stress this enough, for anyone to succeed in any business, they need a good mentor.

If you ask any successful business person, they will tell you that they once had a great mentor.

So, if you are serious about joining this business, I would suggest that you find someone who have achieved a certain level of success in the company to coach you (that is if you can find them).

Reason 4: Fear of Rejections

Your job as a Travel Agent is to sell travel packages and possibly promote the “dream of financial freedom”.

It is unlike working in a Travel Agency where the customer will come to you, this opportunity requires you to reach out to potential customers.

If you don’t like the idea of selling or facing rejections, then you shouldn’t even be looking at this opportunity.

Moreover, you are selling travel packages or “the dream” to people who are close to you, and you might risk losing a valuable relationship with them.

People who are successful with InteleTravel are the ones who go against all odds to achieve their goals, even if it is to join the NFL (No Friends Left) club.

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Reason 5: Weak Mentality

Most agents join the company with high hopes and aspiration, but when the going gets tough, they take the easy way out.

In all honestly, whatever business opportunity you join, there’s bound to be obstacles.

If you don’t learn to embrace and overcome them, you will never succeed.

I see far too many people hopping from one opportunity after another, thinking that the next opportunity will  lead them to success.

But, the fact is, these people never really get far in life. It is only those people who will stick through thick and thin with ONE opportunity who will see success.

Unfortunately, the majority just didn’t have the patience or the tenacity to see it through.

My Sincere Advice to You

You may love to travel, and you may love to mingle around people who travel.

But, when it comes to taking responsibility for other people’s travel plan, it’s an entire different story.

Yes, almost everybody whom I know loves to travel, but not everyone wants to be a travel agent.

In this day and age, managing your own travel plans has become so much easier than the past, to the point where an intermediary (Travel Agent) service is kinda nullified.

For years, travel agencies are scrambling to change their business model.

So, the immediate pressure InteleTravel Agents may face will be questions from customers like “why do I need your service” or “can you prove that your travel packages are cheaper than booking.com, expedia.com, etc”.

I’m sure that there will be ways around these objections. If you are an InteleTravel agent I’d really love to hear from you. Please leave your knowledge and experience in the comment section below (Nasty comments will not show).

If you are really interested in becoming an Independent Travel Agent after knowing all the facts that I’ve laid out, then I wish you all the best in your endeavor, and I hope you will come back to this review to share your experience.

Also, you may be interested to learn how to grow your InteleTravel by implementing the Attraction Marketing strategy. It may help you tremendously with your business.

If the InteleTravel Opportunity not suitable for you. What should you do next?

If you don’t think that InteleTravel is the business opportunity that you are looking for, and you’d like to know if there’s another way that you can earn a sustainable income online, then I’ll recommend that you check this program out.

This is the program that taught me to become an online entrepreneur.

And, it has given me the opportunity to work full-time from home.

The income I earn online is far more than what I get paid working for someone else, and if you’d like to read my story of how I fired my boss in August 2017, you can check it out here.

Thank you so much for reading this review!

I hope I have provided you with sufficient information for you to make an informed decision.

If you find this review helpful, please share it. Other people may need this information.

And, if you’d like to discuss more about InteleTravel, please leave a comment in the comment section below.

Your pal,


My Secret to Online Sucess


  1. Lawanda Baker says:

    I find it interesting that in all of the reviews here the focus is entirely on being a travel agent and booking for others. While I understand that is the general thought of most people what all of this fails to mention is that you can also book your own travel and earn the commission that’s attached to every travel transaction. Even if you never had a customer outside of yourself you could definitely benefit and be your own best customer in any type of travel. I am a travel agent with InteleTravel have had great success and so have many others that I am connected with. It is all about the work and effort that you decide to put into it. Keep working to market yourself and your travel expertise and the customers will come …In the meantime be your own best customer

  2. when someone bring you into the business under them how long does they get commission from you booking

  3. Danielle Galante says:

    It’s all about having a good mentor/coach and up line. It’s definitely a lucrative business opportunity. Of course you also need to dedicate time and effort to your business. I think some people think it’s just going to fall in their lap. It’s a commitment. In a corporate job when your making 6 figures you work hard and put in long hours. With this opportunity you have flexibility and the ability to work from anywhere but it does take consistency and effort. I would be happy to share my experience as well
    as my up line. Thankful for my coach and business partner. Thank you I appreciate your time in writing this article.

  4. Hi, this was an unsurprising but certainly educational write up. I am kinda keen on it but it’s because I have a circle of around 8 friends that take up to ten flights a year each. I am still left wondering what kind of commissions I could pick up if I am booking 80-100 flights annually and possibly rooms for them. None of this is high end and would almost certainly be budget travel at all times.

    If you have any contacts I can ask this question to, I would be most grateful. Best!

    1. JJ McCallum says:

      Think of it this way…somebody is getting paid commission. Either Expedia or whatever booking engine you use. So, why not collect it yourself? I love my travel business.

  5. Donna Olson says:

    I went on a cruise last March with a ton of Inteletravel agents. Of course, I was given all kinds of business cards and even one keeps contacting me. I don’t think it’s for me, given what I have seen and heard. I’m not interested in getting other agents to sell under me.

  6. Maureen Kellegher says:

    Hi, I have signed up to Intele travel just last week and already I am having doubts. Can I please be put in touch with Christine for a chat.



    1. Hi Maureen,

      I’ve provided your contact information to Christine as you have requested.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  7. So are you saying not to join this company ? I’m looking into this and they are some good and bad regards this company

    1. Hey Donna,

      I am not saying that! I am saying if you are really passionate about this business, you should join it and learn how to find high quality prospects online. But, if you are not passionate about this business, you can find alternatives, like this program.

      Hope this helps!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  8. Kellee Mason says:

    I for one am a successful InteleTravel agent, behind me are a whole lot more.
    Now you’ve cyber met one. For anything to succeed, you work it. Depends on how bad you want success. Just like what you are selling sir!

    1. That’s great that you are sharing your success here Kellee! Unfortunately, I have to remove your affiliate link (I hope you understand). This is not a website for promotion.

      But if there’s anyone who wants to contact Kellee, you can reply to this message and I will connect you both.

      Anyway Kellee, glad that you have such a success, and I hope that your business will grow massively!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

    2. Michelle Sanchez says:

      Hi Kelly can I contact you?

  9. Jay Bailey says:

    InteleTravel are still not living up to their promises here in the UK. They have been saying that their ABTA membership is due any day now. Well that’s the message they’ve been putting out for nearly 2 years now.

    1. You should definitely take another look at the company. It may have taken them a minute in the beginning but. today UK is on fire. We also have our first female 6 star director in the company. Worth a second look!

  10. Judith Smith Ogletree says:

    This article was very helpful. I would like to speak to you go grown my business as a travel agent.

    1. Just sent your an email Judith!

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  11. Christine Jones says:

    I joined InteleTravel when it was new to the UK and before it had gone live – I waited and I waited for it to go live which after several months it hadn’t happened. I decided it wasn’t the opportunity to me and left – I contacted them and they refunded me in full all the fees I had paid so at least I was not left out of pocket – but Im yet to speak to someone who is doing well from the friends I made during prelaunch

    1. Hi Christine,

      Thank you so much for sharing your experience with InteleTravel.

      I hope that someone will respond to you, and they do, I will put you in contact with them.

      I am also interested to speak with someone who is successful with this opportunity.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

    2. Hi,

      I too have had a great experience as an Inteletravel Agent and PlanNet Marketing rep. The UK is doing amazingly! 2 of the woman who started just a little over a year ago are amongst the top 10 income earners in the company. Please feel free to share my information with anyone who might have questions or is interested in the company. It does require you to have a good coach and up line to provide you support and guidance in starting your business. Thankfully I have had both. Of course success does not come without putting in time and effort. Thank you for your article.

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